ComicViewer(漫画阅读器)软件特色 1、强大的图像增强显示功能 这是ComicsViewer与其它图像浏览器的根本区别。由于种种原因,扫描的漫画常常因为纸张薄、纸质差而带有斑点、纸色、透光(背面的图像透过来)等缺陷,或者是因为扫描参数设置不当而造成图像灰暗、模糊,看起来比较累。
ComicViewer(漫画阅读器) 3.11 大小:2.77 MB|更新: 2018-01-29 ComicViewer(漫画阅读器)软件简介 ComicViewer(漫画阅读器)是一款可以让用户朋友在Windows电脑上浏览自己喜欢的漫画,喜欢看漫画的朋友一定不要错过这款完全免费并且不需要安装的ComicViewer(漫画阅读器)来看自己喜欢的漫画。
GonVisor is a multiple-format viewer for PC which supports pictures, comics, magazines and books in electronic format. It is the best comic reader for PC, It is designed for comfortable viewing of image sequences and to easily create, open and manage fil
An accessible viewer for digital comic books. Heidelber, pages 569-577, 2008.C. Ponsard and V. Fries, "An accessible viewer for digital comic books," in LNCS : Computers Helping People with Special Needs, vol. 5105, 2008, pp. 569-577....
JG Comic Viewer was released for the tablet pc. If you use the smart phone, please search the "JG Comic Viewer" or find in developer apps. But if your phone have no menu button, use this application. This application is only for tablet pc. - Application Description JG Comic Viewer can...
Reverend_Viewer , 08/16/2018 Constant need to reinstall Would be ideal if stable. The more titles you add to the library, the more chance that it crashes when you actually try to open one. Very hard to keep a library of things you reference frequently when you are wiping it clean ...
Organize your comic library creating folders and copy, cut, paste or delete comics and folders. YACReader has the easiest method for selecting multiple comics and folders and organize them. Using a tap gesture is all you need to read your comics from start to finish thanks to the built-in ...
League for Programming Freedom CATALOG MART HOME PAGE 800 numbers SunSolve Online Computers:World Wide Web:Announcement Services IETF - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Working Group The Internet Insider WWW Viewer Test Page KODAK: Transaction Imaging Main Page: The Internet Movie Data...
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