In writer Geoffrey Landis’s short story “Cloudskimmer,” a pair of astronauts in the near future gaze down at planet Venus from their idling spacecraft. Hired by some unnamed government backer, the two, Zara and Sanjay, begin a loose debate after one decides to—for the sake of better ...
King Arthur’s Avalon: The Story of Glastonbury, was published sixty years ago. He wrote one novel,The Finger and the Moon, set at Allhallows, a college near Glastonbury Tor. Anyone here who’s read this novel?
, sitting in their booth at Wizard World Chicago. ComicMix was more than generous to allow the squatting, and I figure it behooves me to publicly thank them here. So, after treating an insane bout ofcon crudupon coming home, I’ve had some time to troll social media to see what the...
Jean-Paul is living in some minor city in France, probably near the German border. He works in his family’s business – something to do with handcrafted wooden toys – and is old enough to have struck out on his own or aimed at his own goals in life. But that has not happened: h...
"The Marriage of Figaro" on stage at Lyric Opera of Chicago•Nov. 22, 2024, 6:18 AM ET (CBS) The Marriage of Figaro, comicoperain four acts by Austrian composerWolfgang Amadeus Mozart(ItalianlibrettobyLorenzo Da Ponte), which premiered inViennaat theBurgtheateron May 1, 1786. Based on...
Wizard World and Chicago-area 501[c]3 charitable organization ComicBooks! For Kids are collaborating on a program to collect comics at Wizard World Chicago for kids in Chicago-area hospitals and cancer centers, the charity and Wizard World announced. The program asks fans to bring child-...
The event will take place in Rosemont, near Chicago. Anime Midwest is a family-friendly anime convention in Rosemont, Illinois. This three-day event focuses on video gaming, Japanese anime, Japanese manga, and bringing authentic Japanese culture and anime to life. Anime Midwest is another fine ...
I can tell by the saturation of TV trailers that Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens is opening real, real soon in a theater near, near to you. Of course I’m going to see it, probably around March when seats will become available. Pre-sales have been incredible. And I’ve been...
Free Comic Book Day 2023 Arrives May 6 Mike Glyer FREE COMIC BOOK DAY DRAWS NEAR.May 6 isFree Comic Book Day, a single day when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books to anyone who comes in. Check out theFree Comic Book ...
BURBANK, CA (May 16, 2018) –The CW’s longest-running DC series will be coming to a city near you on August 14, 2018 as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releasesArrow: The Complete Sixth Seasonon Blu-ray and DVD. Averaging 2.3 million Viewers weekly for each original episode,Arrowis the...