“Reports on San Diego Comic-Con always read like the story of the blind men describing an elephant. The scope of the event is so broad, its scale so large, that each attendee can only experience a small sliver of the long weekend’s activities. This was Comic-Con International: San Die...
Fans wishing to receive free tickets to the New York screening on May 1 must RSVP via email to BatmanNinjaNYC@gmail.com. Ticket requests will be fulfilled on a “first come, first served” basis, and fans will be notified via email by Friday, April 27. Thebodyof all fan RSVP emails n...
It’s also the world-building; the half-track, its stone-faced soldiers, the numbered participants, the three warnings, and the “ticket” delivered from the barrel of a carbine rifle. The premise is simple: the hundred participants of The Long Walk do just that, beginning at a marker on...