I ran an analysis of what the median prices were for comics across four groups from 1960 to 2005: all comics published in the year, all Marvel comics, all DC comics, and all Archie comics. I presented them visually, with my commentary and the actual cover price stamps, as seen in these...
Genius app makes comic book collecting (when you have thousands of comics) a breeze to catalog so you can know without going and looking through them all to remember if you have an issue. Thank God! There's even editing the issues as in the prices, etc. So you know the date you purc...
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Secure the wrapped comics in a box where the contents will not jostle, and will not be damaged by dropping, puncture, or accidental indentation during transit. Be sure not to allow any shipping tape to adhere to the comics or comic book bags sandwiched between layers of cardboard. If ...
See our fullBatman comic book price guide #1-100andBatman comic #101-200; and theDetective Comics Price Guide #1-100here. Title Detective Comics Batman Issue #s #27 through #300, #359, #400 #1 through #200, #227 through #251, #404 to #407 (Year One), #426 to#429 (a Death in...
A free classifieds site for comic book fans. Buy, sell, and trade comics and related collectibles.
by Diamond Comic Distributors, 1995-present The table below presents the average prices of all comics in Diamond's Top 300 from January 1995 to present here, as well as the average weighted prices — which means, the price of the average comic book ordered within the Top 300. (Basically, ...
Comic prices with and without inflation Comics analysis site Comichron wrote an article listing the average prices of comics (based on DC, Marvel, and Archie) for each year since 1961. That’s the final year comics stayed at 10 cents, the price they’d been since the modern comic book daw...
what Lunar New Year Love Stories is about, how some of it was based the artists stories in which they completely write and drew, how crazy fast the artist is, the Lion Dance section and how all of the ways it fit into the book, the Ambassador role he has and what he speaks about,...
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