这里LoadFileToString是一个绝对路径,如果能使用相对插件的路径,你就可以连带Worlkflow的json文件一并放在你的插件文件夹下,你可以通过写一些辅助函数让读取workflow更优雅,例如: FStringUYourLibrary::GetPluginWorkflowPath(FStringWorkflowName){returnFPaths::Combine(IPluginManager::Get().FindPlugin("YourPluginName")...
DON'T: In a form where decompression occurs in a path such asComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager/ComfyUI-Manager. You have to moveComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager/ComfyUI-ManagertoComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager DON'T: In a form where decompression occurs in a path such asComfy...
github地址:AIGODLIKE/AIGODLIKE-ComfyUI-Translation: A plugin for multilingual translation of ComfyUI,This plugin implements translation of resident menu bar/search bar/right-click context menu/node, etc (github.com) 安装教程和上面ComfyUI-Manager流程一样 进入ComfyUI 的插件安装文件目录下。 \ComfyUI...
ComfyUI-Manager is an extension designed to enhance the usability of ComfyUI. It offers management functions to install, remove, disable, and enable various custom nodes of ComfyUI. Furthermore, this extension provides a hub feature and convenience funct
ComfyUI-Manageris an extension designed to enhance the usability ofComfyUI. It offers management functions toinstall, remove, disable, and enablevarious custom nodes of ComfyUI. Furthermore, this extension provides a hub feature and convenience functions to access a wide range of information within...
②在 ComfyUI 界面双击鼠标左键,通过搜索打开 “Photoshop ComfyUI Plugin” 选项,点击其中的 “Load SD1.5” 加载官方预设工作流(版本:v1.6.5)。点击工作流左侧的 Required File 按钮,查看所有需要安装的模型文件,其列表如下(文末有资源包,ControlNet 和放大模型可通过 ComfyUI manager- install Models 搜索安装...
ComfyUI Manager A custom_node UI Manager for ComfyUI Other ComfyUI Noise 6 nodes for ComfyUI that allows for more control and flexibility over noise to do e.g. variations or "un-sampling" Custom Nodes ControlNet Preprocessors for ComfyUI Preprocessors nodes for ControlNet Custom Nodes CushyStu...
在搜索框搜索“ComfyUI-Manager”,找到ComfyUI-Manager后点击右边的“安装” 安转插件管理器 安装成功后会在绘世启动器界面的下方提示 安装成功提示 然后搜索“AIGODLIKE-COMFYUI-TRANSLATION”,点击“安装” 安装中文插件 至此插件管理器和中文插件就安装完成了 ...
②在 ComfyUI 界面双击鼠标左键,通过搜索打开 “Photoshop ComfyUI Plugin” 选项,点击其中的 “Load SD1.5” 加载官方预设工作流(版本:v1.6.5)。点击工作流左侧的 Required File 按钮,查看所有需要安装的模型文件,其列表如下(文末有资源包,ControlNet 和放大模型可通过 ComfyUI manager- install Models 搜索安装...
from=from_copylink (请完整复制链接在电脑浏览器打开,含Manager、节点、模型下载与部分知识拓充链接) 🔗 节点资源与进阶整合包下载: 度盘:pan.baidu.com/s/1d9XLF96OzWlLtUGvZiYdVA?pwd=nely Quark:pan.quark.cn/s/ff8172bebe27 (无提取码,请完整复制所有链接) 温馨提示:本期视频内容为进阶向教程,建议...