通过一系列节点的操作,ComfyUI就会把这个服装换到人物身上,并利用FaceDetailer节点来修复任何细微的服装问题。 如果你喜欢看视频教程,那么我非常欢迎你观看本文所对应的视频(B站同名帐号): ComfyUI一键更换服装:IP-Adapter V2 + FaceDetailer(DeepFashion)_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliwww.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qz421m7BC/ ...
其实很简单,只需要连接face detailer节点右侧的image图片,按照在像素空间放大的方法即可对图片进行放大! 具体流程为:模型放大节点(设置模型loder,和放大尺寸节点并选择—encoder解码还原到潜空间—重新采样—decode解码还原到像素空间导处图片即可,如下图所示! 今天就到这里,写到这里我已经大致了解面部修复的节点搭建流程及...
四、Edit BasicPipe / Edit DetailerPipe / Edit DetailerPipe(SDXL) 节点 五、BasicPipe->DetailerPipe / BasicPipe->DetailerPipe(SDXL) / DetailerPipe->BasicPipe节点 六、Image Sender / Image Receiver节点 七、FaceDetailer / FaceDetailer(Pipe)节点 八、示例工作流 一、安装方式 方法一:通过ComfyUI Mana...
四、Edit BasicPipe / Edit DetailerPipe / Edit DetailerPipe(SDXL) 节点 五、BasicPipe->DetailerPipe / BasicPipe->DetailerPipe(SDXL) / DetailerPipe->BasicPipe节点 六、Image Sender / Image Receiver节点 七、FaceDetailer / FaceDetailer(Pipe)节点 八、示例工作流 一、安装方式 方法一:通过ComfyUI Mana...
detailer 重绘 实现思路: 1.detector识别标记脸、手的mask。 2.使用detailer对mask区域进行重绘。 Guide_size、guide_size_for、max_size 都是控制重绘区域的参数。 guide_size_for 设置为 BBOX时,BBOX识别的区域最小边要放大到Guide_size(256)后再进行重绘,如果该区域尺寸大于Guide_size(256),则不做放大处理,...
介绍了两个新做的粘土风格工作流,图片转粘土和黏土头像。还介绍了一下提示词优化后的3.0版本和3.1版本。 图片转粘土:https://openart.ai/workflows/datou/image-to-clay-style-ollama/Rhj7m1hsDRfDm65jOmxD 粘土头像:https://openart.ai/workflows/datou/clayu/8wPhkgb7oeApPCmPNgIW LLaVA模型:https://o...
[EA3] TheFace Detailerfunction now allows you to manually choose which faces from the source image should be detailed. Notice that the feature is disabled by default and the function continues to automatically detail all identified faces as usual. ...
Additionally, it provides the ability to monitor the cropped image and the refined image of the cropped image. To prevent regeneration caused by the seed that does not change every time when using 'external_seed', please disable the 'seed random generate' option in the 'Detailer...' node. ...
* MaskPainter - Provides a feature to draw masks. * FaceDetailer - Easily detects faces and improves them. * FaceDetailer (pipe) - Easily detects faces and improves them (for multipass). * SEGSDetailer - Performs detailed work on SEGS without pasting it back onto the original image. * SEG...