3. Hires-fix(潜空间) 4. Iterative Upscale 5. Ultimate SD Upscale 三、选用建议 放大图像可以选择在 潜空间 或像素空间 中进行。像素空间放大的图像还原度较高,但精度提升有限。潜空间放大的图像由于进行了二次采样,精度提升空间大,但与原图也会存在一定的差异。 Upscale 模型下载:openmodeldb.info/,存放路径...
最强Flux 8K细化工作流超详细搭建讲解及分享,Hires Fix,分步降噪,Latent插值细化-T8 Comfyui教程 08:29 进阶25-神器!支持NFSW的批量打标反推Joy Capion工具!速度快3-4倍!AI炼丹Flux出图必备神器!最强整合包免费分享-T8 Comfyui教程 06:06 Ai进阶27-神器!最强放大节点居然没人做过教程!我来教你!扔掉所有...
Nodes interface can be used to create complex workflows like one for Hires fix or much more advanced ones. Area Composition Inpainting with both regular and inpainting models. ControlNet and T2I-Adapter Upscale Models (ESRGAN, ESRGAN variants, SwinIR, Swin2SR, etc...) unCLIP Models GLIGEN Mo...
This section explores various ways to upscale and applyhires fixto an image. Before we continue it is important to understand two important concepts: Difference between Latent and Pixel space Difference between Traditional and Machine Learning based upscaler ...
最强Flux 8K细化工作流超详细搭建讲解及分享,Hires Fix,分步降噪,Latent插值细化-T8 Comfyui教程 08:29 进阶25-神器!支持NFSW的批量打标反推Joy Capion工具!速度快3-4倍!AI炼丹Flux出图必备神器!最强整合包免费分享-T8 Comfyui教程 06:06 Ai进阶27-神器!最强放大节点居然没人做过教程!我来教你!扔掉所有...
Nodes interface can be used to create complex workflows like one forHires fixor much more advanced ones. Area Composition Inpaintingwith both regular and inpainting models. ControlNet and T2I-Adapter Upscale Models (ESRGAN, ESRGAN variants, SwinIR, Swin2SR, etc...) ...
Nodes interface can be used to create complex workflows like one forHires fixor much more advanced ones. Area Composition Inpaintingwith both regular and inpainting models. ControlNet and T2I-Adapter Upscale Models (ESRGAN, ESRGAN variants, SwinIR, Swin2SR, etc...) ...
HiresFix 对图像进行整体高清修复,将图像移入潜在空间并放大1.5倍,然后进行0.6强度的重绘。图像会发生很大变化,但不用担心面部特征,因为模型的信息继承了IPA带来的面部信息。 FaceDetailer 为了避免面部仍然不正确,这里进行最后的面部修复,进一步传达从IPA继承的面部信息。模块10、11和12都是进行重绘的,可以根据实际效果...
hiresfix_esrgan_workflow:低修改高清工作流 最好的放大方案,解决爆显存 局部重绘 绘制蒙版 小幅度局部重绘 柔化过度 蒙版查看 临时查看 附加网络 前言 为了更好的使用AI绘画,我们必须了解底层的Comfyui的工作流使用。我在B站上面找了一个教程,播放量还是挺高的。 相关视频 ComfyUI“不好用”?这期视频,帮你找到最...
Nodes interface can be used to create complex workflows like one for Hires fix or much more advanced ones. Area Composition Inpainting with both regular and inpainting models. ControlNet and T2I-Adapter Upscale Models (ESRGAN, ESRGAN variants, SwinIR, Swin2SR, etc...) unCLIP Models GLIGEN Mo...