有些节点的参数默认是手动输入的,你可能想从其它的节点自动填入这个参数,或者想和其它的节点共享一个参数值,这时候我们就可以把这个输入框转换为外部输入。比如这个提示词的节点,在节点上点击右键,在弹出的菜单中点击“Convert input to ..”,即可选择把某些参数转换为外部输入项,能够将其它节点的输出项连接到这个输...
有些节点的参数默认是手动输入的,你可能想从其它的节点自动填入这个参数,或者想和其它的节点共享一个参数值,这时候我们就可以把这个输入框转换为外部输入。比如这个提示词的节点,在节点上点击右键,在弹出的菜单中点击“Convert input to ..”,即可选择把某些参数转换为外部输入项,能够将其它节点的输出项连接到这个输...
1.convert image to mask 3.crop mask 4.feather mask 5.invert mask 6.load image(as mask) 7.mask composite 8.solid mask 官方网址:ComfyUI Community Manual (blenderneko.github.io) 作者提示: 1.官方网址上的内容没有全面完善,我根据自己的学习情况,后续会加一些很有价值的内容,如果有时间随时保持更新...
转“文本”为“输入” 节点上右键有时候会找不到。而出现的是Convert Widget to Input并且点了没用。 这时候魔法上网,去管理器→安装节点→已安装→搜素翻译插件AIGODLIKE-COMFYUI-TRANSLATION→更新→重启→断开魔法 现在已经能用了。
def switch(self, Any_input=None): if Any_input is None: return (None, None, None) int_output = convert_to_int(Any_input) float_output = convert_to_float(Any_input) str_output = convert_to_str(Any_input) return (int_output, float_output, str_output) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "EG...
the selected nodes. You can also unnest the new node by right clicking on the node and clickingUnnest. The selected nodes may also be converted to an already existing nested node using theConvert selected to Nested Node: <name>option that appears if the selected nodes have a similar ...
"Node name for S&R":"ImageToMask"}, "widgets_values": ["red"],"serialize_values": [ null ] }, { "id":38,"type":"VAEEncode","pos": [845,1235],"size": { "0":210,"1":46}, "flags": {}, "order":8,"mode":0,"inputs": [ ...
In order to load it with UnetLoader in ComfyUI, state_dict keys need to convert to ldm format. You can download models with ldm keys here: https://huggingface.co/huchenlei/IC-Light-ldm/tree/main There are 2 models: iclight_sd15_fc_unet_ldm: Use this in FG workflows iclight_sd15_...
logging.warning(f"Failed to get ComfyUI version: {e}") return comfyui_version.strip() @web.middleware async def cache_control(request: web.Request, handler): response: web.Response = await handler(request) if request.path.endswith('.js') or request.path.endswith('.css'): ...
comfyui_python_remote_path / "workflow_api.json", ) ], ) def comfyui_to_python(): """ Put the workflow json you want to convert into the same directory as this script """ import subprocess result = subprocess.run(["python", "comfyui_to_python.py"], cwd=comfyui_python_remote_pat...