Regarding house maintenance, a big reason indoor humidity spikes up is the phenomenon known as sweating pipes, which happens when the pipe has water dripping when there is no leak present. The water will then evaporate, causing humidity levels to rise. A simple solution to this issue is insula...
Given the hot and humid summers in the Outer Banks, having a reliable air conditioning system is crucial for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. Without proper cooling, the high temperatures and humidity levels can lead to discomfort, poor air quality, and even health risks. A well-main...
Aside from the comfort factors of having the proper humidity levels in our homes, there is another aspect of having proper levels of humidity in the house. Humidity affects what is in our air also, and this is why a humidifier is an integral part of a system that maintains optimumindoor a...
Choosing the right size cooling system is important, for getting the humidity and the comfort for the air temperature it provides. A large cooling system may not produce sufficient air to remove enough humidity from the air, however; it will provide a temperature that will cool down the air r...
Take a journey through our pages, and the mystical world of HVAC design. We will discuss the benefits of proper load calculations, the hidden, and seldom practiced, secrets of proper duct design, humidification, and the benefits of indoor air quality. ...