Inspired By Excellence & Innovation We study the daily problems faced in the field, in order to create innovative products specifically designed for each individual need. Our goal is to guarantee quality and performance unchanged over time. AGRICUL
Headquarters Location via G.Dorso, 4 Reggio Emilia,42124, Italy +39.0522.386.111 Suggest an edit Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be considered in our investor rankings. Submit portfolio details LatestCometNews NASA picture of the day? Comet ZTF among the “heavenly char...
© 2025 | Comet Spa | Via G.Dorso, 4 - 42124 Reggio Emilia (Italy) - Ph:+39.0522.386.111 - Società soggetta al controllo e coordinamento di EMAK S.p.A. R.E.A. di RE n.181918 - Reg.Imprese di RE n.19133 - N. Mecc. RE004460 - Cap.Soc. Euro 2.600.000,00 - Codice ...
Inspired By Excellence & Innovation We study the daily problems faced in the field, in order to create innovative products specifically designed for each individual need. Our goal is to guarantee quality and performance unchanged over time. AGRICUL