So, if you were excited about the possibility of a second once-in-a-lifetime comet passing by Earth this month, the real news isn’t as exciting. In fact, this comet will likely vanish completely when it passes by the sun. It could leave behind a tail, which may be visible with bin...
1. We can see comets only when they come close to the earth. 只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。 comet 网络解释 1. 科密:科密(Comet)碎纸机C-838, 科密(Comet)碎纸机C-868, 科密(Comet)碎纸机C-988, 科密(Comet)碎纸机S-368办公设备, 碎纸装订设备, 国产碎纸机, 科密 ( Comet ) 碎纸机...
1. The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth. 这颗彗星的轨道和地球的轨道相交。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth. 我们不太确定这颗彗星是否会错过地球。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 3. The comet is going to come bac...
20、The trip from Earth by "Philae" had taken ten years! The scientists had no idea what the surface of thecomet would be like.(“菲莱”号从地球出发的旅行已经花了十年的时间!科学家们不知道彗星的表面会是什么样子。) 21、As thecomet nears the sun, its ice melts, releasing gas and dust...
When is Comet ISON going to hit Earth? When did Hale-Bopp the comet come by the Earth? How was Halley's Comet discovered? When is Halley's Comet due back in 2022? When is Halley's Comet visible in 2020? What year was the comet, Hale-Bopp, discovered?
pron:The common pronunciation for both the comet and the astronomer EdmundHalley,and the one usu. recommended by astronomers, is(ˈhæl i)However, several spellings of the name, includingHaileyandHawley,were in use during the astronomer's own time, when spellings were not yet fixed, and...
While NEOWISE might be beating a hasty retreat from Sol right now, the comet it actually getting closer to us in the process. On July 22nd it will reach perigee, that is, the point in its orbit closest to Earth. On that evening the comet will be approximately 103 million km (64 millio...
where “t” is the date of perihelion, “d” is Comet-Earth distance in au, and “r” is Comet-Sun distance in au Comets can be unpredictable. It is this characteristic that makes them so interesting to observe. One is never quite sure what to expect when observing a comet. It may ...
The one that showed the comet hitting Earth."" El que mostraba al cometa chocando con la Tierra. Literature 50 years later, as the time of the predicted return approached, the world's astronomers vied to be the first to catch sight of his comet. 50 años más tarde, como el ...