At Long Island Comedy we're "standing up for stand-up!" Our mission is to promote the art of live, stand-up comedy by bringing you the very best shows on Long Island year round! Each of our comedy showcases is a hilarious evening of live stand-up, fe
This comedy series follows the journey of Jules Wiley (Kat Dennings) as she navigates the complexities of life after a breakup, rekindling connections with her long-lost gal pals. With its surreal humor and heartfelt moments, the show has garnered praise for its authentic portrayal of women's...
This dark comedy series showcases the twisted relationships between these characters as they constantly scheme and manipulate each other while trying to run their failing bar. With its unique blend of humor and heartwarming moments, IASIP proves that even the most unconventional families can provi...
Part of the appeal of this charming, Emmy-winning TV movie from Jessica Yu is in seeing its stars stretch beyond their typical roles.Awkwafina, often cast as the brazen comic relief, plays anxious game-show aficionado Anne, while the typically hyper-competentSandra Ohplays Anne's messy older...
On Dirt Nap, much like his previous releases, Kyle Kinane's biggest target is himself. The crowd is left un-"worked" and free to enjoy the show, with Kinane's only heckler being his own moral compass. Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait.Not Rated • Stand Up Comedy, Comedy • Movie (20...
“Best in Show”It doesn’t go up to 11, but Christopher Guest’s account of a barking-mad dog show is still the finest mockumentary ever made about anything besides a Stonehenge-obsessed rock band. The similar “Mascots” was funny enough, but mostly served to remind viewers what a one...
Rising stars from the UK comedy scene showcase their talents in 30-minute specials, which can also act as pilot episodes for complete new series. Seasons 3 | 2 | 1 See all Creators Phil Bowker (writer) | Mark Bussell (written by) | Justin Sbresni (written by) | Abigail Wilson ...
Long Shotstars Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen reenact classic rom-coms onLate Late Show 14of 19 Palm Springs(2020) Cristin Milioti and Andy Samberg in 'Palm Springs'.Jessica Perez/Hulu Thissci-fi-meets-rom-com flickstarsAndy Sambergas Nyles, who's on his way to celebrate his buddies Tala...
Rising stars from the UK comedy scene showcase their talents in 30-minute specials, which can also act as pilot episodes for complete new series. Seasons 3 | 2 | 1 See all Creators Phil Bowker (writer) | Mark Bussell (written by) | Justin Sbresni (written by) | Abigail Wilson ...
The result is a searingly incisive comedy show within the confines of just a few rooms, channeling the collective madness, grief, and mental trials of being stuck ‘inside’ during COVID-19. Surreal, creative, and as funny as it is heart-wrenching, Inside is one of the defining pieces of...