Based on the popular 1980s TV series, this action-comedy features two bumbling police officers who go undercover as high school students to bring down a drug ring. As they navigate the treacherous waters of teenage cliques and unexpected social changes, they grapple with their own ins...
Watch Medical Police on Netflix Best Dark Comedy Shows on Netflix 1. Bojack Horseman Image Courtesy: IMDb Release Date-August 22, 2014 IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes-8.8/ 93% Cast-Will Arnett,Aaron Paul,Alison Brie, Amy Sedaris, Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Paul F. Tompkins ...
Technical specifications The Fun Police Comedy Showcase EditRuntime 30m(United Kingdom) Color Color Aspect ratio 16:9 HD Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page...
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From "Cheers" and "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" to "Community" and "Martin," these are the best comedy TV shows of all-time. [List]
And when faced with disinterest from the police, Thelma takes it upon herself to track down these con artists herself and get her money back. June Squibb is superb as the nonagenarian on a mission, recruiting help from other seniors to achieve her goal — and she gets to ride a sick ...
Also ranks #12 on The Best Recent Romantic Comedy Shows & Movies Also ranks #26 on The 40+ Best Comedy Series About a Couple, Ranked Also ranks #39 on The Greatest Period TV Shows Set In The 1990s Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 5 New Girl Zooey Deschanel, Jake Jo...
Welcome to, the guide to different kinds of comedy series - from radio comedy shows, movies series to most popular, tv comedy series, often simply called sitcoms, although not all of the tv comedy series are actually sitcoms. We gather the informations about the top comedy ...
“Team America: World Police”ParamountDuring the buildup for the invasion of Iraq, filmmakers Trey Parker and Matt Stone wrote an R-rated puppet movie that was a sophisticated deconstruction of the cliches of Jerry Bruckheimer action pictures like “Armageddon.” The plot is simple: When Team ...