This rough-around-the-edges sports comedy stars Walter Matthau as an alcoholic ex-baseball player who ends up coaching a ragtag group of misfit Little Leaguers to greatness. With a sharp script and memorable performances from its young cast, the movie delves into themes of redemption, sportsma...
The movie could have been a silly trifle, and we'd likely have been pleased. But writer/director Greta Gerwig brought us the universally heralded coming-of-age comedy Ladybird and then the rapturous re-imagining of Little Women. Her Barbie wasn't going to stop at playful. Instead, it ...
the movie interweaves the different storylines, exploring themes of self-discovery, friendship, and romance.How to Be Singledistinguishes itself from other romantic comedies through its relatable characters and memorable comedic moments, providing a refreshing take on the genre that resonated with audienc...
A manic parody that makes fun of superhero movie tropes (and the corporate synergy that fuels them) with enough mile-a-minute wit to beat them at their own game, Chris McKay’s “The LEGO Batman Movie” takes a vintage story about “an unsupervised adult man karate-chopping poor people in...
Fantastic Movie Reviews (64) Forgotten Television (235) FRONTIERADO (254) Future History (9) Halloween (2) Halloween Season (384) humor (363) Iditarod (14) LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES (1,859) Maldoror (63) Milestones In Stupidity (15) Movie Hosts (124) Mythology (501) ...
Comedian/writer/director Kyle Mooney joins Scott to talk about his new movie Y2K, Brigsby Bear vs. Brother Bear, and Jack Bauer. Then, baseball player Bags Mk.gee stops by to talk about his belief of being alive for over 200 years. Plus, restaurateur Ian Vanchuri drops by to pitch ...
But I would also argue that, while you can levy those kinds of criticisms about many comedies from that era, you can’t reasonably apply it to “Airplane!“This movie isn’t just a classic comedy gem from the early 1980s. It’s one of those rare movies that takes a simple, but ...
Donen and Kelly codirected—and Kelly starred in—this satirical comedy about the coming of sound to the motion-picture industry. Widely considered one of the most-accomplished movie musicals ever made, it turns on a series of wildly inventive dance sequences, including a parody of Berkeley, ...
“The Mary Tyler Moore Show”Moviestore/REX/Shutterstock From the moment that Lou Grant growls, “I hate spunk!” at Mary Richards, the audience gets an inkling of how different Mary Tyler Moore’s new sitcom, about a 30-year-old single woman who s...
A movie for fans, about fans,Galaxy Questwas, during an era when Star Trek was re-entering some lean times, the best Trek movie around. And a super funny one, at that. Following the aging cast of a once-beloved sci-fi series, who accidentally get caught up in a real space adventure...