A poignant rendition of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel, Little Women is an enchanting drama set in the backdrop of Civil War-era Massachusetts. The narrative revolves around the March sisters - spirited Jo (Saoirse Ronan), nurturing Meg (Emma Watson), shy Beth (Eliza Scanlen), and charmi...
Presented by Shakespeare & Company at Founder's Theatre, Lenox, Massachusetts. August...Joan MentoJohns Hopkins University PressShakespeare Bulletin
Known for its beautiful crimson cranberry bogs, it's no wonder Massachusetts chose cranberry juice at its state drink in 1970, according to CBS Boston. In fact, Ocean Spray is based in Massachusetts. Michigan: The hummer Oleksandra Naumenko // Shutterstock Michigan: The hummer Michigan's unequiv...
9. Archibald "Moonlight" Graham,Field of Dreams Yes,Field of Dreamswas about Ray Kinsella’s journey, but one of the key players along the way to “go the distance” was a cameo by acting legend Burt Lancaster in his final movie role as Archibald “Moonlight” Graham, an elderly doc...
March 28, 2024 After just six weeks in business, Detroit Artisan Ice Cubes is already working at capacity “We're up to 13 cubes a week,” says founder Larry Petrangelo. “With just three makers, we can’t make more and guarentee quality.” The three – who also include former airline...
Sat, 9 March 2024 KunstlerCast 396 -- Jasun Horsley Explores the Uncanny Valley with "Big Mother" Jason Horsley produces the Children of Job Blog and Podcast. He is the author most recently of Big Mother: the Technological Body of Evil, and many other books. He was born in Britain and...