The Adventures of Bella & Harry is a picture book series that chronicles the escapades of a pup named Bella, her little brother Harry and their family, who travel the world exploring the sights and sounds of new, exciting cities. The “Bella & Harry” series is intended to be an informati...
On the streets, sightseers filled the plaza, but Collins scarcely noticed. Occasionally he pulled his hand to his face and stroked his stubbled chin as he summoned the details, but then he pointed again. The pauses were brief. “Those white tents are where the lunette was, the main ...
Just a few days before our presidential election, the palis and their socialist contingent were on the streets of NYC- again- with their latest chants and signs making it clear. They HATE America. So, Why Vote? Nov 2, 2024Shutitdown4palestinegathered in Union Square to encourage NO Votes ...
Mr. Bascome said his driver “said when the police are out on the streets and dealing with situations involving the gang violence in Baltimore, there is always a fear for life and for them to protect themselves. He said that does mean there is an excuse for police brutality. “I’m rea...
I found this meme on Amanda’s blog The Living Room. She asks us, for her Thursday Thirteen (yes, I’m a day late and a dollar short, as usual) to “name thirteen places in our hometown that you would take the rest of us to if we visited, and why.” I live in Houston, but...
Given the growing normalization of anti-government rhetoric, experts fear that it wouldn’t take much for the Boogaloo Bois to return to the streets. “The water is not boiling but the flame is on, and the water is still hot,” said Jon Lewis, research fellow at George Washington Universit...