come out smelling of roses的意思是“to have people believe that you are good and honest after a difficult situation that could have made you seem bad or dishonest”,即“虽卷入…仍保持名誉,证明清白”。Eric Partridge(著名俚语学家)给出了更完整的版本:Could fall into the shit and come up ...
大家好,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的口语表达——come out smelling of roses, 这个短语的含义不是指“出来闻到玫瑰花香”,其正确的含义是:come out smelling of roses 虽卷入…仍保持名誉;证明清白 When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling ...
come out smelling of roses的意思是“to have people believe that you are good and honest after a difficult situation that could have made you seem bad or dishonest”,即“虽卷入…仍保持名誉,证明清白”。 Eric Partridge(著名...
The meaning of COME OUT/UP SMELLING LIKE/OF ROSES is to have success or good fortune in a situation in which one was likely to fail, be harmed, etc.. How to use come out/up smelling like/of roses in a sentence.
come out smelling of roses To maintain a favorable reputation despite involvement in a scandalous or otherwise negative situation.By reporting his colleagues as soon as he learned of their dishonest business practices, the CEO came out smelling of roses.A: "How is it that David always comes out...
Define come out smelling of roses. come out smelling of roses synonyms, come out smelling of roses pronunciation, come out smelling of roses translation, English dictionary definition of come out smelling of roses. n. A light pink wine made from purple g
come out smelling of roses)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms. rose 1. a. any shrub or climbing plant of the rosaceous genus Rosa, typically having prickly stems, compound leaves, and fragrant flowers b. (in combination) 2. the flower of any of these plants 3....
idiomUS(UKcome up/out smelling of roses) to havepeoplebelievethat you are good andhonestafter adifficultsituationthat could have made youseembadordishonest: When theresultsof thefraudinvestigationwereannouncedlastweek, themanagerscame upsmellinglikeroses. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases ...
informalto do well or get an advantage from a situation, when you could have been blamed, criticized, or harmed by it保持清白 She managed to come out of the deal smelling of roses. 她把自己洗脱得干干净净。 →come out of something/come up smelling of rosesatrose1(4)...
come up/out of something smelling of roses 释义 Idiom Nobody ever knew the details and he came out of the deal smelling of roses. 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。