出人意料的,意外的,事出无常…学的时候查过很多,都没有具体解释,包括有些外国人都说不知道…我个人理解是这样的,left为左,也有左派的意思,含贬义,因为right是右,也有正确的意思…常理应该是来自right field,而你come out of left field就应该是意外的,出人意料的…望采纳 ...
大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——come out of left field, 这个短语的含义不是指“从左边的旷野出来”,其正确的含义是:come out of left field 出人意料 Her comments came out of left field. Nobody expects her to give such comments. 她的评论完全出乎人们...
It’s unclear if Shaq had some inside information regarding a potential Kobe comeback. It seemed to come out of left field given that the future Hall of Famer is happy away from the game. In responding to these far-fetched rumors, Kobe’s wife, Vanessa, has seemingly shot them down big...
4.So did the opportunities to return in She-Hulk and Shang-Chi come out of left field? 5.Hearing that no one has duplicated Ouimet’s first-time feat did not come out of left field for Hervol. 6.This didn’t come out of left field. ...
He said the job interview was pretty much routine, but a few questions came out of left field, like: “Do you smoke dope?” 83. come out of nowhere (came out of nowhere and snatched the championship) (ph.) 从不知什么地方冒出来(从不知什么地方冒出来夺取冠军)她从不知什么地方冒出来夺取...
The meaning of COME OUT OF NOWHERE is to arise or happen very surprisingly and unexpectedly. How to use come out of nowhere in a sentence.
to BE OUT IN left field VS to COME OUT OF left field 1714 播放自在学 自由自在地学习 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~选集(141) 自动播放 [1] Thank you for you... 2.6万播放 01:47 [2] bass ackwards 1.3万播放 12:22 [3] You can lead a ho... ...
The meaning of COME OUT OF HIDING is to come out of a place where one could not be found. How to use come out of hiding in a sentence.
Looking for online definition of come out of the closet in the Medical Dictionary? come out of the closet explanation free. What is come out of the closet? Meaning of come out of the closet medical term. What does come out of the closet mean?
Ramirez stories come out of left fieldAmalie Benjamin