Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Enter into the Rest of the Lord”, Alma 13-16 By Breck England This lesson is a tale of two cities: Ammonihah of the Nehors contrasted with the Salem of Melchizedek. Video: Come Follow Me Moment-Alma Returns Speedily, Alma 8-12 By Scot and Maur...
We know that many of you are listening to this as a family—we admire you so much—especially when you teenagers and even primary-age children are gathered with your parents for Come Follow Me! We are so proud of you young people following the Prophet. You are laying a ...
Come Follow Me FHE offers the perfect Teaching Ideas to follow the Come Follow Me for Families in the LDS Church. Click here now for all the latest!
purposes.Reinforces Principles of: Talk about how following Jesus Christ’s example will lead us back to our Heavenly Father. Emphasize that we follow not to earn Salvation, but in loving response to His freely offered gift. Eternal Life Following ChristLesson Plan: “Come, Follow Me”...
Exponent bloggers and guests have started posting Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price lesson plans for 2022 Sunday School and/or Individuals and Families
Jonathan said to his armor bearer, “Climb up after me, for the LORD has given them into the hands of Israel.”Christian Standard BibleThe men of the garrison called to Jonathan and his armor-bearer. “Come on up, and we’ll teach you a lesson! ” they said. “Follow me,” ...
In Clovis, New Mexico (my primary home) one of the things I remember vividly was playing “high jump” in the backyard, as well as spending hours twirling around the skating rink. I fell a thousand times but finally learned how to skate backwards (although the spin-around element of that...
5.During one particularly___moment in my career, a senior colleague of mind said to me,“If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you’ll lose your dreams.” Traveling teaches you to be independent in the most___way. I know how to d...
If you think about it men have generally been equated with power in our society. Up until these last few generations, men were the primary economic providers for many families and the ones most likely to have the money to grant wishes. Even today, men wield the most power, look at who ...
actively disobeying a rule or command, as that child’s parent, I do want to know so I can correct my child. Although it may be considered tattling for one child to tell on another, I do consider obedience a primary concern and will deal with a situation if a child tells me about ...