Because Alma loved the Savior so deeply because of his own conversion journey, he “labored without ceasing, that [he] might bring [others] to taste of the exceeding joy of which [he] did taste” (Alma 36:24). How can we help our families follow Alma’s example and turn to th...
We had a family council and determined a couple of changes we can implement immediately. One thing we have decided to add is watching some videos with our reading assignments. One or two individuals will be assigned to find and choose videos to watch each week. We haven’t really done this...
Come Follow Me FHE offers the perfect Teaching Ideas to follow the Come Follow Me for Families in the LDS Church. Click here now for all the latest!
Considering the weight he carried—in addition to the headdress of stacked sun god masks and heavy jade ear ornaments, a long pectoral of jade stones that rested on a cape of shell-plates, a carved jade head the size of a fist that hung from his belt, two more jade ancestor faces stra...
Homeschooling families often find safety, security, and hope in their home-schooling. Honestly, nothing could be more dangerous in my mind. I was home-schooled. A lot of my friends were home-schooled too. The vast majority of them are no longer followers of Christ. In fact, we have seen...
She decided to find special homes for her Alaskans, but was adamant that those had to be active homes that would run the dogs, while also bringing them inside to live as members of their families. That was us! Ian and I left with Shallot at 2 am to head to Illinois to meet Chelsea...
BT Group plc Annual Report & Form 20-F 2014 User guide Welcome to the BT Annual Report and Form 20– F 2014. In this interactive pdf you can do many things to help you easily access the information that you want, whether that's printing, searching...
In May 2016, after a Rexdale drive-by shooting killed Candice Rochelle Bobb, a pregnant Black woman whose child soon after succumbed to his premature birth, Justice McLeod called for an emergency town-hall meeting to interrogate the many challenges that afflict low-income Black...
Come Follow Me Cover image: Ye Are Not Forgotten, by Jon McNaughton. I grew up with a mother who had a particular talent for the stage. If she’d had a mind to, I’m sure she would have done fabulously on Broadway, but for us kids it was much more impressive to se...
So what about gay actors who’ve always known they’re gay, who had accepting families and friends when they came out at a younger age? Does this mean they can’t play older characters who struggle to come out or face self-loathing and rejection because it wouldn’t be authentic to ...