1.to appear on stage or the screen.They waited for the comedian to come on.entrar en escena 2.hurry up!.Come on – we'll be late for the party!¡date prisa!,¡vamos!,¡venga! 3.don't be ridiculous!.Come on, you don't really expect me to believe that!¡venga ya!
(UK) IPA(key): /kʌm/, [kʰɐm], enPR: kŭm (US) IPA(key): /kʌm/, [kʰʌm], enPR: kŭm Rhymes: -ʌm Homophone: cum Verb come (third-person singular simple present comes, present participle coming, simple past came, past participle come or (rare)...
1.to appear on stage or the screen.They waited for the comedian to come on.entrar en escena 2.hurry up!.Come on – we'll be late for the party!¡date prisa!,¡vamos!,¡venga! 3.don't be ridiculous!.Come on, you don't really expect me to believe that!¡venga ya!
Old English cuman "come, approach, land; come to oneself, recover; arrive; assemble" (class IV strong verb; past tense cuom, com, past participle cumen), from Proto-Germanic *kwem- (cognates: Old Saxon cuman, Old Frisian kuma, Middle Dutch comen, Dutch komen, Old High German queman,...
=> adventure, base, basis, become, venue come (v.) Old Englishcuman"come, approach, land; come to oneself, recover; arrive; assemble" (class IV strong verb; past tensecuom,com, past participlecumen), from Proto-Germanic*kwem-(cognates: Old Saxoncuman, Old Frisiankuma, Middle Dutchcomen...
Old Englishcuman"to move with the purpose of reaching, or so as to reach, some point; to arrive by movement or progression;" also "move into view, appear, become perceptible; come to oneself, recover; arrive; assem...
arrive; assemble" (class IV strong verb; past tensecuom,com, past participlecumen), from Proto-Germanic*kwem-(source also of Old Saxoncuman, Old Frisiankuma, Middle Dutchcomen, Dutchkomen, Old High Germanqueman, Germankommen, Old Norsekoma, Gothicqiman), from PIE root*gwa-"to go, come....
en passantfurtherharkmisquotequotablequotablyquote... unquoteidiomrefreferrefer to someone/somethingreferencereported speechundermentioned (APPEAR) B2When the sun or moon comes up, it rises.(太阳或月亮)升起C1If information comes up on a computer screen, it appears there.(信息)出现,显现 SMART ...
come ( third-person singular simple present comes, present participle coming or (archaic) come, simple past came, past participle come) come, came, come; he comes; be coming come (plural comes) come (uncountable) come (third-person singular simple present comes, present participle coming, simp...
come out (third-person singular simple present comes out, present participle coming out, simple past came out, past participle come out) 更多 Come out Come Out 例句与“ come out " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 Come out " plus " a limp I'll have the rest of my life. OpenSubtitle...