Refer to equations in the text as "Eq. (1)," etc., or "Equation (1)," etc., at the beginning of a sentence. Footnotes Footnotes should be used only when absolutely essential. Number them consecutively throughout the article, using superscript Arabic numbers. Many word processors build ...
Before the chemical equation is complete, we have to check that it is a balanced equation. Starting with carbon, we can see the reactants contain 1 carbon, and the products also contain 1 carbon, so our carbons are balanced in this chemical equation. However, we can see that our hydrogen...
The general chemical equation for the combustion reaction [77] is mX+nY→XmYn Recently, bi-, tri-, and tetra-phasic powders, such as ZrC/SiC, ZrB2/SiC/ZrC, and ZrB2/SiC/ZrC/ZrSi, have been synthesized via combustion synthesis using a mixture made by ZrSiO4, Mg, C, B and NaCl ...
•To assist authors in preparing their submissions in the required format, a Format Model is provided, together with templates for LaTeX and Word users. See the final section of this document for links to the Format Model and templates. Regardless of how a manuscript is prepared, it must be...
In the equation, n is a weighted concentration for the number of particles in each channel, v is a weighted concentration for the volume of particles in each channel, PNC is the particle number concentration and PVC is the particle volume concentration. (4)NGMD=exp∑lun×lnDpPNC 2.4. Test...
Competition between CO2 and N2 was accounted for using the empirical extension of the DSL equation as given by eqn (4). Eqn (4) uses parameters extracted from fitting single-component data with eqn (1). The explicit form of eqn (4) is advantageous for reducing the computational expense ...
Basic Conservation Equation There is an exchange of reaction heat and mass between MSWs and gases in the bed, considering porous media. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a conservation equation of continuity, momentum, and energy using the MSW bed. The mass continuity of the gas and solid...
In the light of Equation (5), under the same radiation intensity, the intensity of sensor response 𝜆𝑖λi is determined as long as the temperature is determined. In another word, 𝜆𝑖λi is a function of T or 1/𝑇1/T. And the traditional radio pyrometry ignores the change ...
Equation (1) shows that the same 𝐾𝑎Ka can be obtained by invoking different non-dimensional characteristics of the influence of turbulence on premixed combustion. However, if (i) differences between unity and the aforementioned constants adopted to link small-scale and large-scale turbulence ...
Equation (1) shows that the same 𝐾𝑎Ka can be obtained by invoking different non-dimensional characteristics of the influence of turbulence on premixed combustion. However, if (i) differences between unity and the aforementioned constants adopted to link small-scale and large-scale turbulence ...