terminal_combobox.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',lambdaevent, arg=key_dict: self.terminal_select(key_dict=arg))#注意,传递参数方法 1 2 3 4 defterminal_select(self, key_dict,*args): var=self.dict_widget[key_dict].get() print(key_dict) print(var) 以上代码 可以实现combobox传递参数 key_di...
(4) 使用Python Tkinter创建Combobox小部件 - 极客教程. https://geek-docs.com/tkinter/tkinter-samples/t_combobox-widget-in-python-tkinter.html. (5) Python之tkinter 组合框 Combobox_tkinter combobox-CSDN博客. https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44168690/article/details/105085953. (6) 【Tkinter系列15/45】...
| | Method resolution order: | Combobox | Entry | Widget | tkinter.Entry | tkinter.Widget | tkinter.BaseWidget | tkinter.Misc | tkinter.Pack | tkinter.Place | tkinter.Grid | tkinter.XView | builtins.object | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, master=None, **kw) | Constr...
import tkinter as tkfrom tkinter import ttkdef on_select(event):label.config(text = "当前选择为:" + combobox.get())if __name__=='__main__':# 创建主窗口root = tk.Tk()root.title("Combobox Example")root.geometry("400x300")label = tk.Label(root, text="请点击下拉框选择:")label....
text=event.widget.get() iflen(text) >0: matches=[] foroptioninoptions: ratio=fuzz.ratio(text.lower(), option.lower()) ifratio >=50: matches.append(option) combo['values']=matches else: combo['values']=options combo.bind('<KeyRelease>', on_key_release) ...
Python Tkinter Combobox What is the Python Tkinter Combobox? A special extension of Python Tkinter, thettkmodule brings forward this new widget. The Python Tkinter Combobox presents a drop down list of options and displays them one at a time. It’s good for places where visibility is ...
combo = ttk.Combobox(values=['item1','item2','item3','item4'], state='readonly')
Methods on a ttk.Comboboxinclude all those described inSection 46, “Methods common to all ttk, plus all the methods on the Tkinter widget described inSection 10, “The Entry, plus: .current([index]) To select one of the elements of thevaluesoption, pass the index of that element as ...
fromtkinterimport*fromtkinterimportttkif__name__=='__main__':fruits=['Apple','Banana','Grape']root=Tk()root.title('Combobox 1')# Frameframe=ttk.Frame(root,padding=10)frame.grid()# Comboboxv=StringVar()cb=ttk.Combobox(frame,textvariable=v,values=fruits,width=10)cb.set(fruits[0])cb...
1. Radio 单选按钮,一般用来表现一些简单的信息。 常用属性如下: (1). value 单选的值; (2). ...