连接元音(Combining Vowel)是语言学特别是医学术语构成中的重要元素,用于连接词根、前缀或后缀的元音字母,确保术语的流畅性和准
连接元音(combiningvowel):连接元音又称联合元音.是连接两个词根的元音,或连接词根与词尾的元音.词首与词根之间有时有元音连接,有时无元音连接.连接元音多用“o”,有时也用“a”、“e”,很少用“u”.连接元音只起连接作用,对词义无影响.如单词gastr.o.scopy 和post.e.rior 中,“o”和“e”分别是连接元音...
解析 连接元音(combiningvowel):连接元音又称联合元音.是连接两个词根的元音,或连接词根与词尾的元音.词首与词根之间有时有元音连接,有时无元音连接.连接元音多用“o”,有时也用“a”、“e”,很少用“u”.连接元音只起连... 分析总结。 是连接两个词根的元音或连接词根与词尾的元音...
网络元音;联结母音;连接元音 网络释义
Sometimes there is a combining vowel to aid in pronunciation. The suffix is placed at the end of the medical term. What is the medical term for form? "-Oid" is the suffix that means shape or form. A suffix is the portion of a medical term that comes last. What does entero mean in...
网络连接元音 网络释义 1. 连接元音 2. 4连接元音(combiningvowel): 连接元音又称联合元音。是连接两个词根的元音, 或连接词根与词尾的元音。 sibara.blog.163.com|基于15个网页
On-line comprehension of natural speech requires segmenting the acoustic stream into discrete linguistic elements. This process is argued to rely on theta-gamma oscillation coupling, which can parse syllables and encode them in decipherable neural activi
塑. 5.The combination of a root and a combining vowel is known as the combining form. 6.When reading the meaning ofmedical terms such as physiology,we should begin with the—sufl—qx first,then go back to the beginning of the term and型塑. ...
Divide each term into its word parts. Write these word parts, in sequence, on the lines provided. When necessary, use a slash (/) to indicate a combining vowel. (You may not need all of the lines provided.)注意:前缀后加-;后缀前加-;词根后用/o例如:postnasa
COMBINING AUDITORY ATTENTION CUES WITH PHONEME POSTERIOR SCORES FOR PHONE/VOWEL/SYLLABLE BOUNDARY DETECTIONPhoneme boundaries may be determined from a signal corresponding to recorded audio by extracting auditory attention features from the signal and extracting phoneme posteriors from the signal. The ...