Combining form Meaning Example adenoid/o adenoids adenoidectomy alveol/o alveolus; air sac alveolar bronch/o bronchus bronchoscope bronchi/o bronchus bronchiectasis bronchiol/o bronchiole, small bronchiolitis Bronchus capn/o carbon dioxide acapnia epiglott/o epiglottis epiglottitis laryng/o larynx, voi...
21、oscopy (process of visually examining the stomach)Combining Forms Commonly Used in Integumentary SystemCombining form Meaning Example adip/o fat adiposealbin/o white albinism caus/o burn, burning causalgiacutane/o skin subcutaneousderm/o skin epidermisdermat/o skin dermatitisdisphor/o profuse swea...
CombiningformMeaningExample adenoid/oadenoidsadenoidectomy alveol/oalveolus;airsacalveolar bronch/obronchusbronchoscope bronchi/obronchusbronchiectasis bronchiol/obronchiole,smallbronchiolitis Bronchus capn/ocarbondioxideacapnia epiglott/oepiglottisepiglottitis laryng/olarynx,voiceboxlaryngospasm lob/olobelobectomy ...
Combining form: hem/o a. Give the meaning for the above-mentioned combining form. b. Use the combining form in a medical term and then define that term. Combining form: bas/o a. Give the meaning for the above-mentioned combining form. b. Use the combining form in a medical term...
larynx, voice box lobe mucus nose oxygen pharynx pleura air, lung lung nose sinus, cavity breathing tonsils trachea, windpipe chest epiglottitis laryngospasm lobectomy mucus nasopharynx anoxia pharyngeal tonsils pleurocentesis pneumothorax pulmonology ...
A phase 2 trial of surgery with perioperative INGN 201 (Ad5CMV-p53) gene therapy followed by chemoradiotherapy for advanced, resectable squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx: report of the Southwest Oncology Group Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 135...
gynec/o female hemat/o blood hydr/o water immun/o immune laryng/o larynx (voice box) morph/o shape, form nephr/o kidney neur/o nerve ophthalm/o eye ot/o ear path/o disease pulmon/o lung rhin/o nose ur/o urine or urinary tract hyster/o uterus lapar/o abdomen inguin/o groin關於...
Combining form Meaning Example adenoid/o adenoids adenoidectomy alveol/o alveolus; air sac alveolar bronch/o bronchus bronchoscope bronchi/o bronchus bronchiectasis bronchiol/o bronchiole, small bronchiolitis Bronchus capn/o carbon dioxide acapnia epiglott/o epiglottis epiglottitis laryng/o larynx, voi...
Combining form Meaning Example adenoid/o adenoids adenoidectomy alveol/o alveolus; air sac alveolar bronch/o bronchus bronchoscope bronchi/o bronchus bronchiectasis bronchiol/o bronchiole, small bronchiolitis Bronchus capn/o carbon dioxide acapnia epiglott/o epiglottis epiglottitis laryng/o larynx, voi...