CombiningForm Meaning gland cancer heart chemical tocut skin smallintestines stomach female blood water immune voicebox shape kidney nerve eye ear disease lung nose urine,urinarytract Example(Definition) adenopathy(glanddisease carcinoma(canceroustumor) ...
fasci-, fascia- bundle, band superficial and deep fascia fenestr- window fenestrated capillaries ferr- iron transferrin, ferritin, both iron-storage proteins flagell- whip flagellum, the tail of a sperm cell flat- blow, blown flatulence
STRUCTURE OF BACK BEAM OF VEHICLE BUMPER FOR COMBINING PANEL WITH MANY BRACKETS AND REINFORCING CENTRAL PART OF BACK BEAMPURPOSE: Structure of a back beam of a vehicle bumper is provided to conveniently form a back beam by connecting both ends of a panel using many brackets, to increase the ...
Taking the tensor fascia lata (TF) as an example, the red line represents the original signal before de-noising, and the blue line represents the signal after de-noising. Table 1. The SNR and MSE of the three denoising methods. Figure 7 represents the denoising result of the selected ...
A horizontal incision was made to the right of the midline, and tissues were dissected until the prevertebral fascia was reached. The C5/6 level was confirmed by the presence of metalware, noting the presence of metallosis (Figure 3). Trimline and Caspar retractors were used to optimize ...