Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 combin′ing form` n. a linguistic form that occurs only in combination with other forms and may conjoin with an independent word ...
We conclude that all methods, except for one method based on the propensity scores, perform well. It turns out that as long as the relevant variables are taken into the imputation model, the form of the imputation model has only a minor effect in the quality of the imputations. 展开 ...
This involves fairly large calculations which are carried out in a mixture of Form and Maple. We give an introduction to this mixed language style of programming, indicating how the choice of language will be determined by bottlenecks in the computation. We give some fairly complete results for ...
A highly developed statistical analysis of the smooth transition combining method is accessible for further work. However, to our knowledge, the only study that has considered this form of combining is that of Taylor and Majithia (2000) in [109], not in the tourism area. 3. Methods ...
(s) and then press return key to complete a search."},"defaults":{"config":{"applicablePages":[],"dynamicByCoreNode":null,"description":null,"fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[{"id":"max_items","dataType":"NUMBER","list":false,"defaultValue":"3"...
Direct measurement of the intermolecular forces between counterion-condensed DNA double helices. Evidence for long range attractive hydration forces Rather than acting by modifying van der Waals or electrostatic double layer interactions or by directly bridging neighboring molecules, polyvalent ligands bound ...
I have a cell with a dropdown list. I am trying to INDEX MATCH from 2 tables depending on what I select from the dropdown list. Tables are...
Bioinspired trimodal macro/micro/nano-porous scaffolds loading rhBMP-2 for complete regeneration of critical size bone defect Critical size bone defects raise great demands for efficient bone substitutes. Mimicking the hierarchical porous architecture and specific biological cues ... W Tang,D Lin,Y Yu...
all the original tables. When this field is changed to a linked record field, three new records are created (“In Progress”, “Ready”, “Complete”) with the proper link to each record. By adding a count field, this new Feature Status table can show detailed summaries for each status....
RockBlades 2.0 are comprised of two precision-engineered and manufactured soft-tissue instruments: a surgical-grade stainless steel "Mallet" and a surgical-grade stainless steel "Mullet", accompanied by a 100% natural RockRub emollient and sanitizing wipes to form a complete, turn-...