maxi- used of women's clothing having a hemline at the ankle; "wanted a maxi-length coat"; "a maxidress" roofed- covered with a roof; having a roof as specified (often used in combination); "roofed picnic areas"; "a slate-roofed house"; "palmleaf-roofed huts" ...
Therapeutic effects of turmeric or curcumin extract on pain and function for individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review BMJ Open Sport Exerc. Med., 7 (2021) Google Scholar [52] G.H. Ragab, et al. Platelet-rich plasma ameliorates monosodium iodoacetate-induced ankle osteoarthritis ...
A modified form of an independent word that occurs only in combination with words, affixes, or other combining forms to form compounds or derivatives, as electro- (from electric) in electromagnet or geo- (from Greek geō-, from gē "earth") in geochemistry. American Heritage® Dictionary of...
Each feature is extracted by setting different window lengths N and to form a set of feature vectors. Then, a set of feature matrices is formed based on different kinds of selected lower limb muscles, where the number of rows in the matrix represents the number of selected lower limb muscle...
Powered ankle–foot prosthesis improves walking metabolic economy. IEEE Trans. Robot. 2009, 25, 51–66. [CrossRef] 53. Phinyomark, A.; Nuidod, A.; Phukpattaranont, P.; Limsakul, C. Feature extraction and reduction of wavelet transform coefficients for EMG pattern classification. Elektron...
For the first two of these topics, minor themes were identified. In the first case, three systems' characteristics that give further information about usability were explored; in the second case, three variables that contribute to form the multidimensional construct of sense of presence have been ...