The Combine Gunship, often referred to as Gunship, is an autonomous and large Combine Synth ground-assault aircraft armed with both a heavy pulse cannon and a ventral warp cannon. It is a common adversary in Half-Life 2 and its episodes. The Gunship is a
RescoeZ: Half-Life 2: Civil Protection Analysis; Half-Life 2: Combine Soldier Short Analysis; Half-Life 2: Combine Sniper Analysis;Half-Life: Alyx-Combine Grunt Idle/Combat Idle Voice linesic3bug: Half-Life: Alyx-New Combine Soldier Types; Half-Life: Alyx-Combine Wars Preview; Half-Life: ...
The captions used by Half life 2 are compiled. For some reason, Half life 2 update requires an uncompiled .txt file (raw text, uncompiled) It's included in the download. ReplyGood karma+1 vote Jouppi-Sep 30 2019- 1 comments I noticed that the Overwatch Voice itself (the robotic female...