In the Combine PropertyManager, you specify which bodies in a multibody part to add, subtract, or overlap. Delete/Keep Body You can select bodies to keep or delete using the Delete/Keep Body feature. This is useful in working with multibody parts with multiple configurations. Parent topicManipul...
the Indent feature has been applied. The Indent PropertyManager is also shown. On the Website To take a closer look at this part and the Indent feature, look at the part in the download material named Chapter 31 – Indent Part.sldprt. The Indent feature can be problematic if it breaks in...
Dim swCombineBodiesFeatureData As SldWorks.CombineBodiesFeatureData Dim fileName As String Dim status As Boolean Dim errors As Long Dim warnings As Long Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks fileName = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\multibody\multi_inter...
Dim instance AsICombineBodiesFeatureDataDim value As Object instance.BodiesToCombine = value value = instance.BodiesToCombine C# object BodiesToCombine {get; set;} C++/CLI property Object^ BodiesToCombine { Object^ get(); void set (Object^value); } ...
Set swPartRes = swApp.NewDocument("C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2014\templates\Part.prtdot", 0, 0, 0) For Each vBodyRes In vBodyResArr Set swBodyRes = vBodyRes Set swFeatRes = swPartRes.CreateFeatureFromBody3(swBodyRes, False, swCreateFeatureBodyCheck + swCreateFeature...
In the Combine PropertyManager, you specify which bodies in a multibody part to add, subtract, or overlap. Delete/Keep Body You can select bodies to keep or delete using the Delete/Keep Body feature. This is useful in working with multibody parts with multiple configurations.Parent...
It is strongly recommended that you do not use the Combine feature to combine weldment bodies. It is not always possible to calculate the cut list properties accurately for a body created using the combine feature. In these examples, the multibody part contains two separate extruded bodies. Add...
It is strongly recommended that you do not use the Combine feature to combine weldment bodies. It is not always possible to calculate the cut list properties accurately for a body created using the combine feature. In these examples, the multibody part contains two separate extruded bodies. Add...
It is strongly recommended that you do not use the Combine feature to combine weldment bodies. It is not always possible to calculate the cut list properties accurately for a body created using the combine feature. In these examples, the multibody part contains two separate extruded bodies. Add...
Under Bodies to Subtract, select the bodies whose material you want to remove for Solid Bodies . Click Show Preview to preview the feature. Click OK .Move/Copy Bodies Delete Body Search 'Combine Bodies' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.0.20...