Note:After combining your Audible and Amazon accounts, you may lose your badges, stats, bookmarks, and annotations from your Audible accounts and you'll never reverse it. Step 1Login to Audible accounts via web browser with your Audible account information. Step 2After logged in, click on "Hi...
As you can see it's very easy to combine cloud storage accounts with the help of MultCloud. If you also need to migrate one cloud to another, "Cloud Sync" is recommended. Let’s takesync Amazon S3 to Google Driveas an example. Before starting the process, you need to add Amazon S3 ...
If you like a post, tap the flag icon below the post to mark it (aka bookmark it) or use the share button to send it to your friends or social media accounts. Without a subscription, Tapestry will show you ads in your timeline. However, these are some of the least intrusive ads ...
Setup required when the crawler and registered Amazon S3 location reside in different accounts (cross-account crawling) Accelerating crawls using Amazon S3 event notifications Setting up a crawler for Amazon S3 event notifications for an Amazon S3 target Setting up a crawler for Amazon S3 event notif...
This is also crucial for any automatic system that extracts information from reviews, such as recommender systems: one technique used to influence the output of these systems to promote or demote a particular product is to create numerous fake accounts, and issue high or low ratings for the ...
You will be able to use Tivo Bolt normally, but additionally have access to all of your Tivo content using Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, Android TV, Amazon Fire Stick etc. This will pretty much remove the need for Tivo Mini or more likely give you option to brin...
Samsung has a decided home-field advantage in South Korea, but a new study looking at market share in that country shows that Apple's iOS accounts for roughly one out of every seven mobile devices even in its rival's backyard. The newest figures out from mobile industry anal...
Assessment of deforestation in near real time over the Brazilian Amazon using multitemporal fraction images derived from Terra MODIS. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 2005, 2, 315–318. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tyukavina, A.; Stehman, S.V; Potapov, P.V; Turubanova, S.A; Baccini, ...