If you want your meals and snacks to contain complete protein combinations, the following delicious pairings will do the trick.
Despite many key players for the assembly of editosomes having been revealed, the complete mechanism of the editing machinery including the deaminase enzymatic activity is still unclear. Plant editosomes are highly diverse not only due to the PLS class PPR proteins they contain but also in other ...
Protein Fish is an excellent source of complete animal protein. It is well-digested and absorbed. In recent years, WHO recommends limiting the consumption of red meat: beef, veal, pork, and lamb. It is to reduce the risk of heart disease. And fish is an alternative source of protein and...
Convincing data have made the case for the use of immunotherapy in the frontline for advanced renal cell carcinoma, ushering in a second revolution in slightly more than a decade. Eric Jonasch, MD Convincing data have made the case for the use of immunotherapy in the frontline for advanced re...
With most of the decision tasks studied in our sample, however, both the human and the AI system make a complete decision, with the humans usually making the final choice. Our results suggest that with these decision tasks, better results might have been obtained if the experimenters had desig...
To reveal the functions of a particular community, for each protein in the community we analysed its ChIP-seq peaks. We then ranked genomic loci by the number of proteins that bind to them and selected the top 5,000 loci as input to GREAT analysis to search for enriched GO terms. We fo...
The present invention relates to a combination comprising an Mps-1 kinase inhibitor and a mitotic inhibitor. The present invention also relates to the use of said combination for the treatment of canc
summarizes the targets and classes of library drugs. The dosing strategy of anchors and library drugs was aimed at discovering combinations with strong effect on viability (determined here using enumeration of nuclei across treatments). For this, drug dosages achieving complete or near complete targets...
another possible explanation for the unexpected proportion ofsusC/Dloci without any CAZymes, is that they may be co-transcribed with remote CAZyme genes in the genome. Thus, although not physically linked into PULs, the enzymes and SusC/D protein pairs may still orchestrate the degradation of...
Although combination chemotherapy can induce complete remission in a large proportion of patients with Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), 30%–50% of patients will relapse. Gemcitabine has shown promising activity in heavily pretreated patients with HD and NHL even in those...