The (annoying) linkset number reporter script tells you what a prim number is when you touch that prim – remove or turn off that script when it’s not needed as it’s annoying X10 Leave a comment Robots have Been Released! by Osprey Therian 8 +00002010-11-01T04:50:07+00:003020...
Dexis an essential stat for all archers and production characters, and is a useful stat for warriors too. It increases Ranged damage, Balance, and production success rate, except for a few skills like Potion Making which are unaffected by Dex. Dex-giving skills are Ranged Combat Mastery, Weavi...
All grown up, these Blade Twins have become skilled warriors, and have been tasked with sneaking aboard American Black Ships to assassinate Commodore Matthew Perry (we thought it too; there’s no relation to the late belovedFriendsactor, but this was a real naval officer). As one of the tw...
Jonathan C. Randal