39,308 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 16 July 202310:37PM Original upload 16 July 202310:34PM Created by BengalPredators Uploaded by CaptainKakarot96 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description
少女前线吧 隐轶者白起 Combat Shotgun,永远滴莎普爱思但是这把枪挺不好使的,用起来不如一开始的Shotgun(莫斯博格),而且技能对我也很鸡肋 分享101 cs模型吧 疯狂僵尸998 【模型分享】Left 4 Dead 2 Style Combat Shotgun1楼防吞 分享74 h1z1吧 74266122i 吃土迷弟又入了个这个不起眼的combat shotgun 大家...
Fixed a typo in the .410 shotgun ammo recipe label and description that showed the incorrect crafting amount. The loading bench now casts a shadow. Fixed a bug where, with the ammo system disabled, pawns would stow their weapon instead of reloading. Fixed a bug where berserk pawns would no...
but when the most effective way of beating the game is to just rely on the basic Assault Rifle, then switching to the Combat Shotgun when you run out of ammo – both of which are given to you at the start of the game – it leaves little motivation to venture forth and conquer the ...