T. Giacino, "Coma recovery scale- revised: evidentiary support for hierarchical grading of level of consciousness," Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilita- tion, vol. 95, no. 12, pp. 2335-2341, 2014.Gerrard P, Zafonte R, Giacino JT (2014) Coma Recovery Scale-Revised: ev- identi...
1、竭力为客户提供满意的产品与服务意识障碍的评定量表严重脑损伤患者度过急性阶段进入病情稳定的恢复阶段后,多数患者进入VS。此时对病情评估相对于急性期而言,要求比较全面,并且尽量能够反应预后及转归。Coma recovery scale-revised (CRS-R):美国 Edison 的 JFK 医学中心 New Jersey 神经科学 研究所的 Giacino与...
The JFK Coma Recovery Scale (CRS) was developed to help characterise and monitor patients functioning at Rancho Levels I–IV and has been used widely in both clinical and research settings within the US and Europe. The CRS was recently revised to address a number of concerns emanating from our...
Japan's Response to the Persian Gulf Crisis: Implications for U.S. -Japan Relations This report provides information and analysis for use by Members of Congress as they deliberate on the Japanese response to the Gulf crisis and, perhaps mo... LA Niksch,RG Sutter - Library of Congress. ...
29. Jang S, Choi E, Relationship between Coma Recovery Scale-Revised and the thalamocortical tract of ascending reticular activating system in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: A pilot study: Healthcare (Basel), 2023; 11; 1148 30. Stafford CA, Owen AM, Fernández-Espejo D, The neural basis of...
目前,国内外研究报道用于意识障碍评估工 具主要包括 GCS 量表(Glasgow coma scale),FOUR量表(full outline of un⁃responsiveness)、WHIM量表(wessex head injury matix)、CRS⁃R量表(coma recovery scale⁃revised)等,而格拉斯哥量表Glasgow coma scale,GCS)是评估意识障碍患者临床应用最广泛的量表[2] ,但有研究...
目前,国内外研究报道用于意识障碍评估工 具主要包括 GCS 量表(Glasgow coma scale),FOUR量表(full outline of un⁃responsiveness)、WHIM量表(wessex head injury matix)、CRS⁃R量表(coma recovery scale⁃revised)等,而格拉斯哥量表Glasgow coma scale,GCS)是评估意识障碍患者临床应用最广泛的量表[2] ,但有研究...
In this context, the use of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) has strongly been recommended by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Objective: Here, we present the work that has been performed to translate this important diagnostic tool in Chinese. Methods: The scale has ...
Primary objective: To validate the Italian version of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R).%Methods: Two observers applied the Italian version of the CRS-R to selected patients. On day 1, observer A and B independently scored each patient; the comparison of their observations was used to...
Thedifferential diagnosisbetween unresponsive and minimally conscious patients is often challenging and can lead to up to 40% of misdiagnoses if it is based exclusively on clinical consensus without the adoption of standardized behavioral scales, such as the Coma-Recovery Scale Revised (Giacino et al...