North of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster is the big, loose Coma Berenices Star Cluster. May * three bright points of spring: Mars, Arcturus, and Vega form a huge bright line across the sky after dark A little higher in the sky we find the two small constellations of Coma Berenices (which con...
Presents observations about the Coma Berenices, a constellation with only three stars brighter than magnitude 4.5. Consideration of the radio images of neutral hydrogen perturbing the spiral; Discovery of a concentration of bright galaxies that are members of the Coma-Virgo gala...
Melotte 111 large star cluster (right) in Coma Berenices, with two of the most prominent galaxies in Coma at left: NGC 4559 at top and the Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565) at bottom. Several other fainter galaxies are in the field.
Coma Berenices contains the northern portion of the Virgo cluster (also known as the Coma-Virgo cluster), which is around 60 million light years away. M100 (NGC 4321) is a 9.4m spiral galaxy seen face-on. At 7 arcminutes across, it has the largest apparent size of any galaxy in the...
Our best friend, the Coma cluster (a historical review). In Untangling Coma Berenices: A New Vision of an Old Cluster, 1 (eds Mazure, A. et al.) (1998). Kubo, J. M. et al. The mass of the Coma cluster from weak lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Astrophys. J. 671, ...
2.BotanyA usually terminal tuft or cluster, especially a tuft of hairs on a seed, as on a willow or milkweed seed. 3.PhysicsA diffuse, comet-shaped image of a point source of light or radiation caused by aberration in an optical system. ...
that's the name of the constellation, Melotte 110 is the most prominent part, so I'm not surprised thirteen-year old me called the cluster by the name of the constellation. I remember just being able to see the brightest stars of "Berenices Hair" here fifty years ago, and then seeing...
A search for new pulsating stars in the Coma Berenices open cluster was carried out. As a result of this search the cluster member Melotte 111 AV 1224 presented clear indications of photometric variability. In order to determine its physical parameters Str"omgren standard indices and low-resolut...
+14° 25' M100 (NGC 4321) galaxy Sc galaxy. Magnitude 9.4; diameter 6.9' × 6.2'; R.A. 12h 22.9m, Dec. +15° 49' Coma Cluster cluster of galaxies See separate entryNameAbbreviationPronunciation Coma Berenices COM CO muh BER uh NI ceez Size (Degrees ²)MeaningClassification 386 hair...
Coma Berenices constellation coma cast Coma Cluster Coma cluster of galaxies Coma Cocktail Coma Cop Coma Factor Coma galaxy cluster Coma hepaticum Coma hepaticum coma lobe coma panel coma position Coma Recovery Scale Coma Recovery Scale-Revised coma scale coma scale Coma Supercluster coma vigil coma...