英文版也在这里贴一下:英文版:If you've been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or media files, you have come to a good place for some possible solutions. This problem is caused because of codecs and other COM components instal...
英文版: If you've been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or media files, you have come to a good place for some possible solutions. This problem is caused because of codecs and other COM components installed by various softwares th...
If you've been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or mediafiles, you have come to a good place for some possible solutions. This problem is caused because of codecs and other COM components installed by various softwares that aren't...
COM Surrogate错误通常会在Vista下当浏览一个包含音视频文件的文件夹时发生,Vista的官方对此错误的说明如下:If you’ve been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or media files, you have come to a good place for some possible ...
If you've been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or mediafiles, you have come to a good place for some possible solutions. This problem is caused because of codecs and other COM components installed by various softwares that aren't...
com surrogate已停止工作"的解决方法 、Fix for COM Surrogate Has Stopped Working Error in Vista 1 装了nero的原因,解决方法如下:在电脑中nero安装文件夹下面搜一下NeVideo.ax这个文件,然后改名,加个0改成:NeVideo0.ax 2 因为AVI影片导致 右键点我的电脑,选属性,点左侧的高级系统设置(A)...
I start getting "com surrogate has stopped working" error towards the end of the output in Premiere I googled it and found tens of suggestions to fix it and none has solved the problem. I appreciate any help very much especially if you h...
[COMSurrogate停止工作.docx,关于COM Surrogate已经停止工作的问题的处理之前在使用电脑的时候,老是弹出COM Surrogate已经停止工作的提示,我实在是忍受不了这种莫名奇妙的错误,于是上网查了一些资料,现在将这些资料总结一下!修复win7的COM Surrogate已经停止工作的问题