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O comando acima se comportaria como estes três comandos: JSON {"icon":null,"name":"Command Prompt","command": {"action":"newTab","profile":"Command Prompt"} }, {"icon":"C:\\path\\to\\icon","name":"PowerShell","command": {"action":"newTab","profile":"PowerShell"} }, {...
windowscsharpserialdotnetserialportwindows-consolecomportwindows-terminaldotnet5 UpdatedFeb 6, 2021 C# This is a mirror with support for the new delphi. The original project can be found athttps://sourceforge.net/projects/comport delphiserialserialportserial-communicationcomport ...
[ 盛东 ] 关于2025年度船舶服务单位进港备案的通知 2024-11-15 [ 尚东 ] 2025年船舶服务单位进港备案通知 2024-11-11 [ 明东 ] 关于签订2025年度港口设施保安协议事宜的通告 2024-11-07 [ 集团 ] 关于暂停进提箱作业的通知(康妮) 2024-11-01综合查询 船期申报 资料中心 长江联盟 登录用户注册 Copyright...
3、除了 Putty,还可以使用 realterm 来代替,Realtermis a terminal program specially designed for capturing, controlling and debugging binary and other difficult data streams. It is far better for debugging comms than Hyperterminal. It has no support for dialing modems, BBS etc - that is what hyper...
Windows 10 declare COM port "access denied" Frank Natoli71Reputation points Dec 20, 2020, 12:06 AM Two existing EXEs, one written in C++ and Windows SDK, one written in C# and .NET 4.5.1, suddenly cannot open COM ports, "access denied". HyperTrm.exe has no problem opening the same ...
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USB to I/O Port Controllers PL-2303 驱动程序下载地址: http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=31 PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v130.zip,支持win7 32位/64位,发布日期为2010/7/15,版本v1.3.0,文件大小为2315 KB。具体下载地址如下: ...
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Windows下COM口软件下载地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PDmUfljN1yXIDQW3RuVwvg 密码:0la0 实际使用中:大家会遇到很多usb转串口的,这是因为笔记本电脑没有com接口,故添加了usb转串口的ic。 常用的有PL2303 http://prolificusa.com/portfolio/pl2303ta-usb-serial-bridge-controller/...