atildeo experimental, experimental infection, Babesia canis, Dog, CãThe objective of the present study was to evaluate parasitemia and packed cell volume patterns of dogs experimentally inoculated with two isolates of Babesia canis: one from Belo Horizonte (BH) and the other from Lavras (Lv),...
SARAIVA, Joao Batista Costa. Adolescente em conflito com a lei - da indiferenca a protecao integral - Uma abordagem sobre a responsabilidade penal juvenil. Porto Alegre: Ed. Livraria do Advogado. 2003.COSTA et. al., Adolescente em conflito com a lei: o relatorio psicossocial como ...
atildeControles internoLei Sarbanes-OxleyEmpresas com ADRsImplementation processInternal controlsSarbanes-Oxley ActCompanies with ADRsThe goal of this study is to analyze the implementation process of the controls in Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Law, Section 404, its implications and organizational reflexes in ...
To study the combining ability in biomass and yield characters in pearl millet it was made a dialelic with the cultivar Souna III, HKP, Guerguera BRS, BN2 and IAPAR. The results indicated that HKP, Guerguera and BRS had the largest values for GCA for the characteristics that compose ...
Goncalves D, Kozicki LE (1997) Perfis bioquimicos e imunologicos no periodo peripartal de vacas leiteiras com e sem retencao de placenta. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci 34:364-370GONCALVES, D.; KOZICKI, L. E. Perfis bioquimicos e imunologicos no periodo peripartal de vacas leiteiras com ...