I get the following error: PostgresError: null value in column "id" of relation "pairs" violates not-null constraint What confuses me is that in Directus, I have checked 'ON CREATE: Generate and Save UUID,' which is working just fine. Please help me understand how I can get around thi...
line 3191, in execute_sqlcursor.execute(sql, params or ())psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "id" does not existLINE 1: ..." ("username", "points") VALUES ('yeyau', 10) RETURNING "id"^During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:Traceback (most recent call last)...
我收到此错误消息UndefinedColumn: column "datetime" of relation "daily_price" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT^ 代码 cur.execute("INSERT INTO public.daily_price (DateTime) VALUES ('"+str(day)+"')"); 如何在不修改数据库的情况下处理保留字列 浏览48提问于2021-04-22得票数 0 1回答 导入djorm_...
setting a default on a computed column should produce a syntax error: postgres=# alter table t alter column computed_column set default null; ERROR: 42601: column "computed_column" of relation "t" is a generated column LOCATION: ATExecColumnDefault, tablecmds.c:7644 -- 2. even if the ...
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "g" of relation "raw" does not exist This doesn't happen for all our columns, we also have columns with spaces in it, which seem to be unaffected. Tapacadded thebuglabelNov 8, 2019 ...
(12). Consequently, when I executed "Forward Engineer," the program initially wrote the new groupLine table and updated the type of groupLineId to VARCHAR(12). This caused a breakdown in the existing FOREIGN key with the salesItemLine table, which had not bee...
ERROR: 42703: column "ordersid" does not exist LINE 1: select ordersid from orders o join orderlines ol on o.orderi... ^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "o"."orderid". LOCATION: errorMissingColumn, parse_relation.c:2999 [local]/postgres=# select ol.ordersid from or...
irb(main):002:0> User.first.feed_token ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column users.feed_token does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."feed_token" = ... ^ : SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."feed_token" = 'x...
person Person @map("personId") @relation("PersonStudent") @unique Contributor pantharshit00 commented Dec 2, 2019 I can confirm this bug. I am able to migrate the schema that you have shared in the sqlite connector but the same schema is throwing an error in the postgres connector. I ...