我收到此错误消息UndefinedColumn: column "datetime" of relation "daily_price" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT^ 代码 cur.execute("INSERT INTO public.daily_price (DateTime) VALUES ('"+str(day)+"')"); 如何在不修改数据库的情况下处理保留字列 浏览48提问于2021-04-22得票数 0 1回答 导入djorm_...
文章背景: 在表缺少主键无法直接创建关系,或者需要借助复杂的计算才能创建主键的情况下,可以利用计算列...
I've wondered this as well, and tried modifying the code to process m2m fields (e.g. let`is_relevant_relation()`returnTruefor m2m relations. However, further on, the code that has to actually process these "relevant relations" does not know how to handle m2m relation, so it throws...