Method 1 – Convert Column Number to Letter in Excel Consider the following dataset which we will be using as our example to convert column number to letter by applying the formula. Select a Cell: Choose the cell where you want the result to appear. Formula: The generic formula to ...
思路:先用数组对象,下标1-26对应存储字符A-Z,.然后把excel列数字 看成二十六进制的数 二十六进制,11表示27,12表示28.然后从数组对象里查询到:1对应的是A,.2对应的是B.这样11改成AA,12改成AB。 测试反例: 52 的26进制应该是 20 而excel中52列是AZ,与二十六进制结果不对应。尽管A*26^1+Z*26^0 与2*...
We will insert the column letter XFD to find out its column number. Sub Excel_Column_Letter_to_Number_Converter() 'Convert a specific Column Letter into it's corresponding Numeric Reference Dim ColumnNumber As Long Dim ColumnLetter As String 'Call the Column Letter ColumnLetter = "XFD" '...
In addition, it does not require access to theExcel API. Here is a function that calculates the column letter from the column number provided as a parameter. Function test(ColNum As Long) As String Dim n As Long Dim ch As Byte Dim str As String n = ColNum Do ch = ((n - 1) Mo...
PublicFunctionCol_Letter(ByValiColNoAsInteger)AsString DimsstartletterAsString OnErrorGoToAnError Col_Letter = Left(Cells(1, iColNo).Address(False,False), _ Len(Cells(1, iColNo).Address(False,False)) - 1) ExitFunction AnError: CallMsgBox(Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description) ...
Let’s take an example to understand howwe can change the column number to a letterin Microsoft Excel. We have a serial no in column A. In column B, we need to put a formula to convert the numbers to letters. Follow the below given steps:- ...
So there’s no function that converts the excel column number to column letter directly. But we can combine SUBSTITUTE function with ADDRESS function to get the column letter using column index. Generic Formula =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,column_number,4),1,””) ...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert a column number to its corresponding letter in Excel. To convert a column number to letter we will use theADDRESSand theSUBSTITUTEFunctions. =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(3,B3,4),"3","") The formula above returns the column letter in the position of the...
Excel VBA – To convert Column Number to Letter or Alphabet Lets assume the same example as above to understand this. We are going to pass 26 to this function & get column letter ‘Z’. Function Convert_Col_Number_To_Letter(ColumnNumber As Double) As String Dim sLetter As String 'Split...
Write-Host (ColumnLetter -ColumnNumber 57) 输出结果: 这里的 $n = (($n - $c) - ($n - $c) % 26) / 26 因为powershell 应该写整除,即($n - $c) \ 26, 但是因为找不到整除的符号,跟 (X - (X除以的余数)) / 26的效果一样 ...