问题描述Quick BI的数据集预览报错“Column 'æ•°æ æ ¥æº ' is ambiguous ”。问题原因SQL创建的数据集的SQL代码中字段别名重复,导致在数据库中查询识别不了字段。解决方案修改SQL创建数据集的别名即可。适用于Quick BI公共云专业版V4.4
数据集预览报错,报错内容是“column xxx is ambiguous” 问题原因 添加计算字段时,字段名是手动填写的,数据集又有表关联的操作,关联的表里的某个字段与原表字段名重复,无法识别计算字段里引用的那个字段是哪个表的。 解决方案 添加计算字段时,引用的字段,要通过“[”选出,或者单击字段列表的字段名,这样操作会在生...
sql报错:Column 'sid' in field list is ambiguous Column ‘sid’ in field list is ambiguous表示sid字段重复,表明两张表中都有sid字段,使用时没有在表字段的前面加上表名,指代不明 字段 表名 【MySQL 线上 BUG 分析】之 多表同字段异常:Column ‘xxx’ in field list is ambiguous 多表同字段报错:Co...
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params) Exception Type: ProgrammingError at /tasks/rounds/472/update/ Exception Value: column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: SELECT (CASE WHEN id='877' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "autht... Contributor aidanlister commented Jun 7, 2015 Bug is here...
SQLSTATE:42702 and 42P09 (Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation: ambiguous_column and ambiguous_alias) Urgency:low Example Postgres Log Output: ERROR: column reference "z" is ambiguous at character 8 STATEMENT: SELECT z FROM x, y ...
from ibdhl A left join ibdhldetail B ON IhlId=B.IhlId 在 on 后面,应该要写成 A.IhlId=B.IhlId 。因为这两个字段名是一样的,系统无法判断你是从什么表获取数据,所以就 ambiguous 了。
There is no ambiguous id. If you copy/paste the request on sql editor and run it, it works This bug is present since many versions, i declare it only now because I thought other people had already declared it. DBeaver Version 23.1.2 ...
limit 0, 10]; Column 'created_by' in where clause is ambiguous; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Column 'created_by' in where clause is ambiguous 原因: 说明SQL语句中有重复的created_by功能调用,并且在Mapper文件中,多表关联查询中有相同的...
该字段在关联表中的出现不止一次,不知道应该查哪一张表。只需在where中加上表名即可 select source.*, t1.username as targetUserName, t2.username as sourceName from sys_message source left join sys_user t1 on source.target_user_id = t1.id ...
Column ‘id’ in where clause is ambiguous 根据上面ambiguous这个单词的意思可以看出,sql语句中id不明确,让mysql不知道是哪个表的id,原因是多表连接时指定了别名,但用id字段时没有指定别名。