Django Version: 1.3 Exception Type: IntegrityError Exception Value: (1048, "Column 'asset_id' cannot be null") The field is a primary key and it's supposed to be auto_increment so I don't give a value to it when I create a new record. Can someone point me what's going on here ...
name:'SequelizeDatabaseError',parent:Error: Column'id' cannot be nullcode:'ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR',errno:1048,sqlState:'23000',sqlMessage:"Column 'id' cannot be null" Here is the index to seed the data: constseedUsers =require('./user-seeds');constseedPosts =require('./post-seeds');cons...
insert INTO `表名` ( ) VALUES ( ); 时出现错误: #1264 - Out of range value for column ‘’ at row 1 #1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使用了auto_increment ) 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将 sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_EN...
在jpa 中,数据库已设置默认值的情况下,保存实体却抛出“column cannot be null”异常,原因可能如下: 全量操作字段 jpa 默认会对所有字段进行全量操作,即使数据库提供了默认值。这意味着,即使实体中某字段的值为 null,jpa 也会向数据库插入 null 值。
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1048, "Column 'id' cannot be null") 明明添加了主键,指定了primary_key=True 仍然报上面的错 你需要auto_increment 把主键Field类型改成AutoField即可
cannotbenull MySQL使⽤基于Parameter⽅式代码,总是提⽰:“Column '列名' cannot be null”MySQL使⽤基于Parameter⽅式代码,总是提⽰:“Column '列名' cannot be null”解决⽅法1:直接在连接字符串⾥⾯加⼀个 oldsyntax=true 即可。例如:server=;user id=root;password=;data...
1、字段id索引后面的一项“A_I”是自增,必须勾选住; 2、字段id的索引选“UNIQUE”,这里如果不选的话,由于id是自增,系统会默认为主键,开始执行id为NULL时会出错。
当你插入数据的时候 id获取到的是可能是null 你打个断点 跟踪下,看看是不是null
][parentkey,null][stringvalue,zrf][id,null] (SQLException while executing the following:INSERT INTO customfieldvalue (ID, ISSUE, CUSTOMFIELD, PARENTKEY, STRINGVALUE, NUMBERVALUE, TEXTVALUE, DATEVALUE, VALUETYPE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (Column 'ID' cannot be null))...