Developer's manual to the Aspose.CAD for Java library. Know all classes, methods & interfaces for quick integration of the CAD library with your own apps.
A joining structure 1 between an existing column and a footing of the invention has a steel bridge pier 5 erected on a load transfer plate 3 and the load transfer plate 3 embedded in concrete 2, where the load transfer plate 3 is configured by I-section steels 41, each of which is a...
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object getClass,notify,notifyAll,toString,wait,wait,wait Methods inherited from interface com.aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcColumnStandardCase public IfcColumnStandardCase()...
Methods inherited from interface com.aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcColumn public IfcColumn() Method Detail getPredefinedType public final IfcColumnTypeEnum getPredefinedType() setPredefinedType public final void setPredefinedType(IfcColumnTypeEnum value)Home...
IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcColumnType public IfcColumnType() Method Detail getPredefinedType public final IfcColumnTypeEnum getPredefinedType() setPredefinedType public final void setPredefinedType(IfcColumnTypeEnum value)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object getClass,notify,notifyAll,toString,wait,wait,wait Methods inherited from interface com.aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcColumnStandardCase public IfcColumnStandardCase()...