column doesn't exist r语言 在R语言中,当我们使用数据框进行数据分析时,可能会遇到“列不存在”(column doesn't exist)的错误提示。这通常是因为数据框中不存在我们尝试访问的列引起的。本文将为您介绍如何解决这个问题。 首先,我们需要检查我们的数据框是否存在我们要访问的列。可以使用函数names()来查看数据框...
ERRR: Raise error in usecols when column doesn't exist but length mat… … 2c43917 Kiv pushed a commit to Kiv/pandas that referenced this issue Jun 11, 2017 ERRR: Raise error in usecols when column doesn't exist but length mat… … 9771514 stangirala pushed a commit to stangirala/...
stat.test 出现报错: Error invec_as_location2_result(): ! Can't extract columns that don't exist. x Columncolnames(all)[1]doesn't exist. 解决方案: stat.test <-all%>% wilcox_test(as.formula(paste(colnames(all)[1], colnames(all)[2], sep ="~"))) %>% adjust_pvalue(method ="B...
If the column doesn't exist, then this method returns an object with its isNullObject property set to true. For further information, see *OrNullObject methods and properties. TypeScript 複製 getItemOrNullObject(key: number | string): Excel.TableColumn; Parameters key number | string Column...
I'm currently stumped by a strange EF Core + Oracle problem. When I include one of my tables, it's trying to select a column that doesn't exist (there's no column in the table, no properties in the entity framework object) and blowing up the query with anORA-00904 error. ...
系统工具->代码生成,报错Table 'ry.gen_table_column' doesn't exist(String) 这个意思是我的数据库中缺gen_table_column表吗,若依的数据库我已经导入了啊,都已经正常跑起来了,只有这里报缺gen_table_column表,我看了下数据库,确实没有这张表,请问这样表怎么获取呢,不会要求我自己建吧...
Please explain what the bug is, and if possible, the steps to reproduce it. Error in dplyr::pull(): ! Can't extract columns that don't exist. ✖ Column features doesn't exist. Providing a minimal example or a mini-dataset to reproduce the...
数据表中不存在cpon字段 emmm...虽然这个问题以前遇到很多遍了,而我只是想教你用下Google翻译能解决...
Table 'mysql.index_stats' doesn't exist MariaDB版本如下: MariaDB [mysql]> select @@version; +---+ | @@version | +---+ | 10.0.12-MariaDB-log | +---+ 连接mysql数据库检查表: MariaDB [mysql]> show tables; +---+ | Tables_in_mysql...
Laravel migration添加foreign key时报错,错误信息为:key column 'xxx' dons't exist。错误代码如下: Schema::create('emperors', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->bigIncrements('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->foreign('dynasty_id')->references('id')->on('dynasties')->onDelete('...