ERROR: column "sessiontimestamp" does not exist SQL state: 42703 Character: 28 But if I do: DELETE From sessions WHERE "SESSIONTIMESTAMP" < '2010-01-01 10:02:02' It DOES work. Why the db doesn't recognize the name of the table without quotes?. Regards, -- Leonardo M. Ramé Medic...
Postgres will interpret @ as abs() redacted=> create table test (year int); CREATE TABLE redacted=> INSERT INTO test VALUES (@year); ERROR: column "year" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO test VALUES (@year); ^ HINT: ...
postgres=# create table mytable (id int, name text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# table mytable; id | name ---+--- (0 rows) postgres=# \d mytable; ERROR: column c.relhasoids does not exist LINE 1: ...riggers, c.relrowsecurity, c.relforcerowsecurity, c.relhasoi... ^ postgres=#...
用kettle往postgres数据库中传数据时,发现了这样的问题: 可是实际上是有这个字段的,数据库中字段为大写的“SUPPLIER_CODE”。 第一次操作pg数据库,没有经验,查了一下资料发现是pg数据库大小写敏感的原因。 原因:postgres区分大小写,默认是小写字段建表;遇到的问题是因为表为大写字母建表 解决:方法一:用小写字段重...
postgres升级到到11版本后,客户端打开会提示 ERROR:column p.proisagg does not exist LINE 1:...database d on d.datname=current_database() where p.proisagg.. HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "p.prolang" 无法打开函数功能,如下图: ...
答案是使用命名参数: 代码...
Unfortunately, PostgreSQL does not support the IF EXISTS option for the RENAME clause. To rename multiple columns, you execute the ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN statement multiple times, one column at a time: ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME column_name1 TO new_column_name1; ALTER TABLE table_name ...
是客户端版本的问题,更新到15就可以了,我创建表时也遇到了一样的问题,通过更新客户端版本解决了 ...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\", line 3191, in execute_sql cursor.execute(sql, params or ()) psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "id" does not exist LINE 1: ..." ("username", "points") VALUES ('yeyau', 10) RETURNING "id" ^ Duri...