检查SQL查询中是否错误地引用了"config_id"列: 首先,你需要检查触发这个错误的SQL查询语句。确认是否在其中错误地引用了名为"config_id"的列。例如: sql SELECT config_id, config_name FROM configurations; 如果这条语句在你的代码中,而数据库表中没有名为"config_id"的列,那么就会触发这个错误。 验证数据库...
关于使用CursorAdapter()时出现“column '_id' does not exist”错误的说明及解决方案 出现问题: 在使用SimpleCursorAdapter()显示SQLite数据库表中的数据的时候,Eclipse没有代码部分的错误提示,但程序会莫名其妙在运行时出错,而我们又找不到症结所在,报错如下: 显示:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id'...
1、程序中用到了sqlite,结果运行时报错如下: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist 2、网上搜索一番,出现该错误原因是: 使用Cursor相关的Adapter时需要一个自增的列,且名字必需为 _id。而我创建的表里没有这个字段,只有一个名为id的自增列。 3、解决办法: 1)创建数据表时插入一...
1、程序中用到了sqlite,结果运行时报错如下: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist 2、网上搜索一番,出现该错误原因是: 使用Cursor相关的Adapter时需要一个自增的列,且名字必需为 _id。而我创建的表里没有这个字段,只有一个名为id的自增列。 3、解决办法: 1)创建数据表时插入一...
This is the error I get, altough I have an "_id" column: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist I'm fighting this problem since hours now, I hope someone can help me with it. The first error I get is from the line "super(context, c, flags);" in "...
("42703"), message: "column \"personId\" does not exist", detail: None, hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: None, table: None, column: None, datatype: None, constraint: None, file: Some("indexcmds.c"), line: Some(1582), routine: Some("ComputeIndexAttrs") }) ...
I simply reassigned the id to a different field/removed the original id field in the Entity class. And now the stored procedure call is functioning correctly! I suspect the stored procedure does not return the id, so the real fix would be there. Anyway, this serves my purpose for the tim...
Description Server: PostgreSQL 12.1 (Debian 12.1-1) Version: 2.2.0 Chat: https://gitter.im/dbcli/pgcli Home: http://pgcli.com kh24@127:kh24> \d tablename column c.relhasoids does not exist LINE 2: ... c.relhasrules, c.relhastriggers, c.r...
What I had in mind (wasn't sure that was realistic) was to provide a single LAMBDA (to allow copy/paste in Name Manager) for cases like (but not only): where, for whatever reason Power Query cannot be used. Added a couple of optional parameters: ...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist 2、网上搜索一番,出现该错误原因是: 使用Cursor相关的Adapter时需要一个自增的列,且名字必需为 _id。而我创建的表里没有这个字段,只有一个名为id的自增列。 3、解决办法: 1)创建数据表时插入一个名为_id的列,类型为自增量,因为在使用Curs...