在MySQL中,如果你遇到错误信息 "column 'channelcode' cannot be null",这通常意味着你尝试向一个不允许NULL值的列插入了NULL值。以下是针对这个问题的详细解答和解决方案: 1. 确认'channelcode'列的定义 首先,你需要确认'channelcode'列的定义,特别是它是否允许NULL值。你可以使用以下SQL语句来查看表的列定义: ...
Column 'code' cannot be null when I try to add picture #6561 lucassimonin opened this issue Oct 26, 2016· 4 comments · Fixed by #6575 Labels Potential Bug Comments lucassimonin commented Oct 26, 2016 • edited Hi, I got this error in BO (v1.0.0-alpha) when I try to ad...
MySQL错误代码1048表示”Column ‘column_name’ cannot be null”,这是一个DML(数据操作语言)错误,通常发生在尝试插入或更新一个不允许NULL值的列,但提供的值却是NULL。要解决这个问题,需要确保为该列提供一个非NULL的值。 在MySQL数据库中,数据操作语言(DML)是用于处理和操纵数据记录的一组SQL(结构化查询语言)...
ins_distribute_gift_detail (id,distribute_code,policy_num,gift_detail,remark,created_at,updated_at,deleted_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)”,“RawCause”: “Error 1048: Column ‘remark’ cannot be null”,“Workaround”: “” } ] 已知原始语句为 insert into 语句,切该字段在mysql中设置...
Kettle报Column 'xxx' cannot be null 修改文件: C:\Users\用户名.kettle\kettle.properties 在其中加入内容: KETTLE_EMPTY_STRING_DIFFERS_FROM_NULL 然后重启Kettle就可以了 参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/dongdong9223/article/details/80919323
#1264 - Out of range value for column ‘’ at row 1 #1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使用了auto_increment ) 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将 sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” ...
txtName.text, and then after submitting the form, i've designed the system to display what is in the parameter just like you said. There is a value, for example i keyed in "alisa" in the txtName.text, and sure enough "alisa" is in the CustNameParam parameter. this is the code: ...
The function should get this value when the stored procedure is called upon, thus te code looks like: INSERT INTO customer(customer_name, customer_city) VALUES (@customer_name,@customer_city); But when trying to execute the function, it says "customer_name can't be null" ...
228 189 191 231 148 168 232 135 170 231 160 148 231 179 187 231 187 159 227 128 130] […”] [error=“[code=10006:class=database:scope=not-set:level=high], Message: execute statement failed: UPDATE `bpms-runtime-plus2`.`f_危机_714b7a2054b3c1b0_ad340` SET `author_name` = ...
(select code from MERCANCIA where code=cod); set p = (select nombre from PAIS where nombre='pai'); set t = (select code from TRANSPORTE where code=trans); INSERT INTO EMBARQUE (mercancia, pais, tipo_transporte, fecha, cantidad, precio) values (c, p, t, fech, cant, null); end; ...