Goal The name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad. GoalType The type of conversion goal.Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url. HistoricalAdRelevance...
Example Preview Code Collapsible headers TheCollapsibleColumnsplugin enables columns and their headers to be collapsed/expanded. This plugin adds multi-column headers which have buttons. Clicking these buttons will collapse or expand all "child" headers, leaving the first one visible. ...
Goal The name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad. GoalType The type of conversion goal.Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url. HistoricalAdRelevance...
Meaning JET_bitDeleteColumnIgnoreTemplateColumns Setting JET_bitDeleteColumIgnoreTemplateColumns will cause the API to only attempt to delete columns in the derived table. If a column of that name exists in the base table it will be ignored. ...
Meaning JET_bitDeleteColumnIgnoreTemplateColumns Setting JET_bitDeleteColumIgnoreTemplateColumns will cause the API to only attempt to delete columns in the derived table. If a column of that name exists in the base table it will be ignored. ...
There are cases where you want a full-width item in your grid, meaning it starts from the first grid line and ends with the last one. For example, in a four-column grid, the end line index is 5, so you can write the code below to have your full-width item. .grid-container { ...
There are cases where you want a full-width item in your grid, meaning it starts from the first grid line and ends with the last one. For example, in a four-column grid, the end line index is 5, so you can write the code below to have your full-width item. .grid-container { ...
Sample 1Sample 2 Based on 2 documents SaveCopyRelated to Column A Column Column shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the preamble to this Agreement. Total Percentage means, with respect to any Lender at any time, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of such Lender’s Aggregate ...
Goal The name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad. GoalId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a conversion goal. GoalType The type of conversion goal.Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransac...
Overview Column movingfeature is enabled on a per-grid level, meaning that theIgbGridcould have either movable or immovable columns. This is done via theMovinginput of theIgbGrid. <IgbGrid Moving=true></IgbGrid> API In addition to the drag and drop functionality, the Column Moving feature ...